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The Junta de Andalucía extends its urgent call to fill vacancies in schools and institutes to 3,052 places

The Andalusian government has finally approved a call for 3,051 vacancies for the Andalusian educational centers. These are, on the one hand, withdrawals that the centers notified as early as September 2 and, on the other hand, vacancies for different reasons that were waiting to be filled. The extraordinary call was published on Monday, September 9 and will be resolved next Wednesday, September 11. From there, while the primary year has already begun, the integration of teachers into their positions will begin, probably next Monday.

Extraordinary calls to cover unexpected and reported absences from September 2, with the incorporation of staff in the centers, are common every year. school courses. However, on this occasion, the procedure of the Department of Educational Development was different.

On this occasion, during the summer, while the troops were being deployed, they received 38,412 places corresponding to service commissions and retirements, as well as increases in staff. A decision adopted by the Ministry precisely to improve the coverage of vacant positions and as part of the staff stabilization process. Subsequently, on September 4, thanks to the computer system for covering vacant positions (pensions and service commissions) and temporary positions of the Ministry, only 591 unexpected vacancies were called, a figure much lower than in previous years that were resolved before the start of the course.

At the end of last week, the Ministry of Educational Development already announced that a second appeal would be necessary, because ‘in extremis’ when a high number of vacancies have been detected by the centres that have remained unoccupied. The Ministry estimated this procedure at a thousand positions and announced on Monday the urgent call with the tightest possible deadlines: on Monday the call is launched, on Wednesday the places are allocated and next Monday they can join their places.

These delays have a particular impact on Early Childhood and Primary School centers which start the course on September 10. In these schools, there will be a shortage of 1,790 early childhood and primary school teachers, since the holders of these positions notified their resignation on September 2. With this procedure, the vacant positions will be filled even if they are not in post at the start of the course: they will arrive from Monday, September 16.

In addition, others 1,261 vacanciesalready of all the teaching staff, due to retirements, service commissions, growth of units or reinforcements. In this case, they will affect not only the educational centers that start their courses this week, but also the institutes and centers of artistic professional education that have more days to lose: they will start in Andalusia from next September 16.

[Críticas de los sindicatos y la oposición ]

The extraordinary and urgent appeal launched ‘in extremis’ one day before the start of the school year was met with criticism by the most represented unions (CCOO and UGT) and by the opposition. In all cases, they agreed to denounce a “lack of foresight” and to emphasize that this process should have been carried out last week so that the new hires would have arrived at their posts before the start of the school year.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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