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HomeLatest NewsCEOE smooths out difficulties with China amid trade war with Europe

CEOE smooths out difficulties with China amid trade war with Europe

A large delegation composed of professional organizations, such as CEOE, and companies Spanish companies participated this Monday and Tuesday, September 9 and 10, in two high-level meetings with representatives of the Chinese economic sector, as part of the official visit of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to The People’s Republic of China.

Meetings organized by CEOE

On the one hand, on Monday the second meeting of the Spain-China Business Consultative Council was held in Beijing, organized by CEOEthe Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business – Secretary of State for Commerce, through ICEX Spain Export and Investments – and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and the International Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs (CHINCA).

Subsequently, this Tuesday, the Spain-China Business Meetingwhich brought together more than 700 companies and was also organized by CEOE, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business, on this occasion in collaboration with the trade organization CCPIT and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

According to the co-president of the Sino-Spanish Business Advisory Council, Francisco José Riberas, this forum “has become a key instrument to promote bilateral trade collaboration and facilitate integration between companies of the two countries and their cooperation in third markets.

A new roadmap

Furthermore, Francisco Jose Riberas He said: “A new road map emerges from this meeting and, with the support of government institutions, we will work so that both countries can generate bilateral opportunities in key sectors for their economies.”

For her part, the general director of Chamber of Commerce from Spain, Riera Immaculatesaid: “We are aware of the key role of China in the global economy and in global value chains, as well as the technological power it represents, but allow me to highlight the capabilities, dynamism and level of commitment with which Spanish companies work. represented today at a high level at this event, companies that have much to offer their Chinese partners. That is why we are facing new opportunities for collaboration, especially in sectors with a high intensity of innovation and technological development, thanks to the synergies that unite us and the balance between the parties.

Inmaculada Riera added that “to move in this direction of strengthening our bilateral relationsalso requires a commitment to negotiation and a concerted resolution of any conflict, and that this is always beneficial for both parties.

The Secretary of State for Commerce, Amparo Lopez Senovillastressed at the opening of the business meeting that “we are at a key moment in our relations with China; “There is a long way to go to take advantage of the great potential that the Chinese market offers to Spanish companies.”

Furthermore, he stressed that “with trips like this, we must continue to strengthen the international cooperation with the greatest number of countries, for the defense of an international order based on rules.

Business Advisory Council Meeting

The meeting of the Consultative Council, which served to strengthen bilateral relations and intensify trade and investment between the two countries, was also attended by the President Sanchez and the Minister of Commerce of China, among other authorities and business representatives.

Furthermore, following these discussions, a future working framework was proposed around issues such as the regulatory environment or intellectual property, promoting a more balanced commercial relationship.

For its part, the Shanghai business meeting provided an opportunity to analyze the business opportunities in sectors of the future and immersed in the green transition, as well as addressing industrial cooperation, in supply chains and in third markets, such as Latin America or the Caribbean, and, ultimately, to strengthen economic and commercial ties between Spain and China.

From CEOE, the president of CEOE International, Marta Blanco, stressed that “China and Spain are complementary economies” and that “in the current international context, marked by the rapid emergence of new sectors or the urgency of a green transition, it is more important than ever that both countries work together to adapt to a constantly changing environment.”

Likewise, he stressed that “there is significant scope to increase our presence in the Chinese market.” And, in this sense, many initiatives can be considered, promoting beneficial relations for both nations based on balance and reciprocity.

Spain-China trade relations

China is the world’s fourth largest country and second in population, and has become the only emerging power of globalization capable of challenging the global economic and geopolitical hegemony of the United States. It is the leading destination in Asia for Spanish exports and our most important partner in the region.

More than 14,500 Spanish companies export to this country. In 2023, China was Spain’s fourth largest trading partner and second largest supplier of goods, as well as the twelfth largest customer of its exports.

The sectors in which Spanish companies are most present in China are energy, financial services, consulting, textiles, automotive, electronics, tourism, legal services and telecommunications.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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