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The PP of Castilla-La Mancha presents its motion to force Page and other “barons” of the PSOE to “run” on the Catalan quota

The PP presented this Wednesday in Toledo a motion that will lead to all regional parliaments, city councils and town councils to force the “barons” and PSOE officials to speak out on the single financing of CataloniaThe text of the initiative, to which ABC had access, takes up the fundamental lines of the agreement that Alberto Núñez Feijóo and the presidents of the PP signed last Friday in Madrid, betting on a multilateral negotiation of regional financing.

The deputy secretary of Autonomous and Local Coordination and Electoral Analysis of the PP, Elias Bendodochose the capital of Castilla-La Mancha to publicize this initiative after Emiliano Garcia-Page’s criticism of the ERC agreementwhich he came to call an “independence coupon.”

The “popular” have focused on socialist “barons” like García-Page and the Aragonese Javier Lambán. In fact, the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, encouraged them to distance themselves from the Catalan quota through his deputies in Congress, but García-Page has already responded that the community presidents do not order the PSOE deputies to vote. in the Lower House, among other things, because they are not elected but imposed by Ferraz.

In the motion to which ABC had access, the PP stresses that Spain and its territorial model “are at a critical crossroads” because “the collection of transfers already assumed by the The President of the Government to ensure his continuity in Moncloa “has caused an unprecedented deterioration in the health of the rule of law.”

“Today, to all of them Those agreed between the PSOE and the ERC are added to ensure an investiture in Catalonia and an extension of the national investiture agreed less than a year ago. Among them, the separatist balance sheet which would mean the bankruptcy of the right that all Spaniards have to access public services such as Health, Education or Dependency under the same conditions, as well as a Collapse of the regional financing system without dialogueconsensus, nor any technical study to support it,” he assures.

According to the PP, if the government “renounces all taxes in an autonomous community, it also renounces a source of income to reduce inequalities.” “This violation of the principles of equity and solidarity has the permissiveness of the Socialist Party and, as public representatives, We must not give up defending the equality of all Spaniards“, affirms the PP, which considers that this new “concession energizes the system of rights and duties” that were provided for in the Constitution.

For all these reasons, the PP urges the Government in its motion to “defend equality and solidarity as inalienable principles of the constitutional order and the autonomous State in decision-making.”

Furthermore, he calls “paralyze any progress towards the fiscal independence demanded by separatism and demand guarantees that no community in the current common regime system will leave it The tax administration is not fragmented either.

Third, the people of Feijóo demand that the Executive urgently convene the Conference of Presidents with the aim of “rediscovering the minimum bases of consensus and jointly addressing, from a multilateral perspective, the renewal of the current regional financing system“According to him, this model must be agreed within the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council (CPFF) and that the AIReF participates in the analysis of the Government’s proposal.

The PP stresses that we must “guarantee that multilateralism and transparency are the principles on which the process of study, work and approval of the new regional financing system will be based.”abandon bilaterality with communities “.

Fifth, the PP demands that the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council and the National Commission for Local Administration (CNAL) to promote a reform of the local financing system as well as regional financing. According to him, in both cases, All the variables existing in each territory must be taken into account. which guarantee regional financial sufficiency and the provision of services under equal conditions.

The PP also demands that the reform of the financing system be based on data analysis, “working on the quantification of future health and social policy expenses derived from aging that, according to official studies, will take place in our country in the coming years.” years, and in the exponential increase in the cost of public services.

In addition, the “popular” people ask the government in its speech motion to respect “the fiscal autonomy of communities” and “all regional and local powers” collected in the Constitution and in the various autonomy statutes.

The PP also calls for expanding the total economic amount of the regional financing system and, in parallel with its reform, Create a transitional fund to alleviate underfunding that all autonomous communities and cities suffer; and guarantee the co-governance of Next Generation funds and future economic injections from the EU.

Finally, the PP demands that the Executive “facilitate the communities”have the 18 billion euros of European Next Generation funds which the government did not execute, in order to avoid their return to the EU.

The Deputy Secretary General of the Autonomous and Local Coordination of the Popular Party, Elias Bendodopresented this initiative on behalf of his party, an offensive strategy which will first see the light of day in a region governed by the socialist Emiliano García-Page and with which the opposition party seeks to see “if there is a socialist life beyond Sanchism”“.

At a press conference from the party headquarters in Toledo, he said that Castile-La Mancha is a “doubly punished” region“, for the socialism of Pedro Sánchez and for the permanent problems of sanchismo”, since the regional president, Emiliano García-Page, spends the day “threatening, but not giving in”“, “a shell game to fool all the inhabitants of Castile-La Mancha”.

An “open” motion where mayors will be able to “negotiate this text”, with a content that “is not against anyone and defends everyone” seeking a message of “unanimity” to tell Pedro Sánchez that “There cannot be a first-rate Spain and a second-rate Spain.”

The president of the PP Castilla-La Mancha, Paco Nunezinsisted on ask the eight socialist deputies of the region in Congress deputies who Vote against single funding for Cataloniawhile offering him the support of the “popular” of the Parliament to “stand up” to Sánchez.

During this press conference, he recalled that “With only a few thousand votes, a socialist governs” in this regionattacked García-Page for making “populist speeches to win the streets” when Pedro Sánchez had lost them.

But, he warned, “in politics, coherence is essential” and García-The page “has lost all semblance of coherence”. A president who “betrays his voters and the people of Castile-La Mancha as a whole, to whom he lies.”

The president of the party in the province of Toledo and mayor of the city, CArlos Velazquezalso present, defended that “The aim is to avoid breaking the principle of equalityfundamental and enshrined in the Constitution, which has guaranteed Spain’s success as a democracy.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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