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Sánchez meets this morning with Edmundo González after asking Congress to recognize him as president-elect

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, receives this Thursday at 10 a.m. at the Moncloa Palace to the opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzálezas opposition sources report, just one day after the Congress of Deputies, at the request of the PP, demanded that the Executive recognize him as the elected president of Venezuela.

González arrived in Madrid last Sunday on board a Spanish Air Force plane, at his own request, after spending a few days hiding in the residence of the Spanish ambassador in Caracas. As reported by the governmentThe opposition candidate intends to seek asylum, which will be granted. He will meet this Thursday with Sánchez before a public event that the president is organizing at 12:00.

From China, where he was when the news broke, Sánchez defended Wednesday that allowing González’s arrival in Spain was “a gesture of humanity and civic commitment” of Spanish society and its government with people who “suffering from persecution and repression.”

Likewise, at the political level, he has defended the government’s position since the July 28 elections in Venezuela.requiring the publication of all minutes and not recognize the victory of Nicolás Maduro, in addition to working for the unity of the EU “so that this unity leaves us a space for mediation by the end of the year, so that we can find a solution that reflects the democratic spirit” will expressed in the ballot boxes for the Venezuelan people.

The PP’s NLP

The head of the Executive argued that this position is ““pure common sense” and accused the PP of systematically opposing government initiatives, clearly referring to the non-legislative proposal voted on a few hours later in the Congress of Deputies.

Finally, NLP has been validated withn the support of the PP, Vox, the Canarian Coalition PNV, the Navarre People’s Union and the vote against the PSOE, Sumar and the usual partners of the Government, among whom Junts was not present, who was absent from the vote to attend the events of the Diada. In addition, the former minister José Luis Ábalos abstained.

For his part, González has not yet made any public statements since he arrived in Madrid accompanied by his wife and leaving behind one of his daughters and two grandchildren in Caracas, the other having lived in Spain for years. The opponent, a seasoned diplomatpublished a letter on Monday in which he thanked the Spanish government for theprotection he had given him and explained that he had made the decision with his family and Venezuela in mind.

“Only the policy of dialogue can bring us together as compatriots. Only democracy and the realization of the popular will can be the path to our future as a country and I will remain committed to this,” he said in a letter shared on his social networks.

This Tuesday, during the rally in front of Congress,During the debate on the PP proposal, his daughter Carolina read a message on his behalf to hundreds of Venezuelans. they had met. González called on the international community to “redouble its efforts to restore democracy and freedom in Venezuela.”

“The will of the people expressed on July 28 must be respected (…) Maria Corina and I assure you that this fight that we have started will continue.until we achieve the goals we have set for ourselves,” he said.




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