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Death of Georgian Dream member is a political murder – EADaily – Georgian News. Georgia. Georgia News. Georgia News. Latest Georgia News Today. Georgia News Today. News. Georgia News September 12, 2024.

In Georgia, a tragedy occurred in Tskhaltubo: after threats and verbal insults inflicted by an activist of the United National Movement, a member of the Georgian Dream, Ermile Gigiadze, died.

A message circulated in connection with this extraordinary and horrific incident reads:

“Gigiadze was at the Georgian Dream headquarters when he heard a noise outside. Going out into the street he saw an activist from the United National Movement Roland Nutsubidze“The Georgian Dream member was arrested in front of the party office and shouted insulting remarks against him. Eyewitnesses say that Nutsubidze verbally and personally insulted the Georgian Dream members, and then personally attacked Ermile Gigiadze and rudely scolded him several times. After this, the Georgian Dream member fell ill and died on the spot from a nervous breakdown. An investigation into the case is underway.”

Of course, every specific event, where there are signs of a crime, especially if everything ended in tragedy, requires a thorough investigation, and then the final word will be left to the court. However, this is only one side of the story. The other is that behind every incident similar to the one we encountered in Tskaltubo, there is a general situation, and it is necessary to deeply understand it and make it a topic of national discussion. After all, such situations create a favorable context for dubious episodes that greatly worry and disturb our society. Even without special calculations and analysis, we can say that for forty years now the word “democracy” has been in first place in Georgia in terms of frequency of use. There was a time when it was touched in all cases and forms, because, like a balm, it caressed the soul of the Georgian people, giving them hope. However, over time, harsh reality made itself felt and the moment came when the word “democracy” became one of the most irritating factors in Georgian society…

Today, not a single Democrat, unlike VoltaireHe will not sacrifice his reputation and his life, seeking someone else’s freedom of speech, the expression of an opinion alien to him and unacceptable to him. Such “democrats” would rather agree to unleash a nuclear war on the planet than sacrifice even a small fraction of their interests. This general (American) mood spread to the personal level, giving rise to a terrible Western mutant – a “democrat” and a “liberal”, who in his cruelty and criminal style of behavior is in no way inferior to German fascism.

As for Georgia, just as we were a province in those distant centuries, we remain one today. However, the centrifugal political tendencies in the province are not only not weakening, but, on the contrary, are becoming more pronounced, becoming tougher and more aggressive…

Zviad Gamsakhurdia, who spent his whole life verbally preaching democratic values, called those who held different opinions from his agents of the Kremlin and the KGB. In this regard, his comrades even organized a kind of trial against him, but even there he could not resist, calling the opponent who spoke out most actively against him an agent of the Kremlin.

And how brutally was the Imedi television company, dubbed by the Americans as a “beacon of democracy” destroyed? Mikhail Saakashviliwho was characterized by a hysterically aggressive attitude towards different opinions. His memories and information files preserve his furious cries: “Go all to jail!” and “We will not spare you bullets!” It is true that in this case these were not political opponents, but these cries testified to an imbalance and a nature (inner self) absolutely devoid of democratic manifestations, every cell of which was imbued with the spirit of violence.

It is worth recalling the famous threat of another “democrat” from the nationalists. Givi Targamadze: “We will wipe out your souls, you scoundrels!” These terrible words, filled with boundless hatred towards the opposition, also reflected the cry of Western “democracy”, the unpleasant echo of which will haunt Georgians for a long time.

The politicians raised and nurtured by the West in Georgia have turned democracy, human rights and freedom of speech from objects of protection into tools of political struggle. It could not have been otherwise, because our pseudo-democrats fought in Georgia not for democracy, but for American democracy, being puppets and convenient tools for the American intelligence services.

This trend continues today.

If we discard openly clerical regimes, then it will hardly be possible to find a rejection of dissent on a level like that of Georgian political circles. This extreme aggressiveness towards opponents is especially common among our pro-American and pro-European politicians. Even in the state where the tendency to distort democracy for one’s own benefit arose and reached us, there is much more political tolerance than in Georgia, where the most brutal forms of political terror were entrenched. Do you need specific examples? Please, the victims of this terror were the country’s first president, Zviad Gamsakhurdia, prime minister. Zurab Zhvaniamultimillionaire Badri Patarkatsishviliacademic Guram Sharadze and others. Their cases were never fully investigated or brought to trial, although no one in Georgian society doubts that all these people were victims of political terror. Cruelty, cruelty, physical violence, beatings, violence, murder – this is not a complete list of the military arsenal of Georgian “democracy”, which has been introduced and is widely used in our country for political purposes.

With very few exceptions, it is impossible to give an example of a TV show on a political topic where commentators used only censored language and spoke in a benevolent tone to prove their case. Insults, hitting people on the head with objects, fighting, tearing off clothes – these are the most “impressive” arguments of Georgian politicians, without which most of them are simply not ready to convey their opinion to voters…

This is the ugliness that was introduced into Georgia thanks to the persistent efforts of the West and which became precisely the basis of the tragedy with which we began the conversation in the presented article. The political murder that occurred in Tskaltubo is only one of the manifestations of the social situation that I described above. Ermile Gigiadze (may his soul rest in peace!) was not persecuted to death by any particular scoundrel: he was the victim of a huge international community of scoundrels who dared to distort the very essence of democracy and turn it into an instrument of American influence (in violence).

Valery Kvaratskelia“Georgia and the world”


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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