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HomeLatest NewsThree simple meal ideas with B12 as the protagonist

Three simple meal ideas with B12 as the protagonist

If we talk about micronutrients essential for the proper functioning of our brain, nervous system and bone health, we must top the list of B vitamins, present in lean meats, fish and seafood, dairy products and eggs, very common foods in the Mediterranean diet.

The undisputed protagonist is the famous B12, which is only found in animal products and is essential for the proper functioning of the entire mechanism of our body: our neurons, the production of blood cells or our DNA. Vitamin B12 cannot be missing.

  • It is very important to prevent megaloblastic anemia, which causes a feeling of tiredness and general fatigue; athletes cannot therefore neglect their intake of this vitamin, since essential vitamins and minerals are also lost during physical exercise.
  • We need it so that our brain can perform all its functions without problems, as well as the nervous system which, if kept in balance, promotes muscular coordination, the perception of pain and physical activity.
  • It is essential for amino acid metabolism, as well as muscle mass building and strength recovery.
  • It also influences cardiovascular health by reducing homocysteine ​​levels. And in our immune system, as well as in metabolic function and weight control.

If it is an essential element for the general health of the population, it is even more so in the case of women, among other things because of its role in the formation of red blood cells, so important for transporting oxygen to all the cells of the body. our body, which includes bone tissue. During pregnancy, it is also a very important vitamin for the proper development of the fetus. For babies, breast milk is the main source of B12.

In the case of people who cannot reach the minimum consumption of this micronutrient – because their body is not able to synthesize it or because they follow a vegetarian or vegan diet – it is essential that they supplement to avoid, among other things, the appearance of anemic processes characteristic of a vitamin B12 deficiency and which are usually accompanied by symptoms such as pale skin, loss of appetite and weight loss, palpitations or infertility, as well as tingling in the extremities, depression, dementia, mouth ulcers or balance problems.

B12 Supplements

This is why it is so important for vegetarians – even those who consume dairy and eggs – and vegans to supplement, since plant foods cannot contain vitamin B12 in an assimilable form. The recommended weekly dose in Spain is 2,000 mcg of cyanocobalamin, although the World Health Organization recommends 2.4 micrograms.

In more sensitive populations such as pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children and adolescents, the requirements are somewhat higher. The recommendation is to consume enough to be able to absorb 1.5 micrograms on average per day.

In addition to specific supplements, people who do not follow an omnivorous diet can also add foods enriched with vitamin B12 to their meals, such as vegetable drinks, foods derived from soy or cereals. Some research has revealed that up to 60% of vegetarians suffer from this deficiency, according to a study by the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (Semergen).

Some recipes

We are going to offer you three very simple meal options rich in vitamin B12 that will surely give you plenty of energy to face the day:

  • Shrimp, Avocado and Brussels Sprout Tacos. It is a perfect idea for a quick, delicious, very complete and light dinner. You will only have to sauté the shrimp for a few minutes so that they brown on both sides, if you wish you can do it with a little finely chopped garlic. Cut the avocado into cubes and mix it well with the shrimp. To prevent the avocado from oxidizing, you can sprinkle it with a few drops of lemon. This will be the garnish for your corn tortillas, which you can complete with chopped coriander and a few slices of red onion. You can accompany this dish with roasted Brussels sprouts, very rich in calcium and vitamin K.
  • Poke with egg. This is another very quick and nutritionally complete option. For two people, we will need two small sweet potatoes, a cup of fresh spinach, two free-range eggs, a cubed avocado, half a cup of pecans, 40 g of crumbled feta, a quarter cup of cooked and drained cheese. chickpeas and the spices of your choice. Freshly ground black pepper, cayenne pepper, turmeric or curry go very well in this recipe. While you prepare the rest of the ingredients, you can boil the eggs and cook the sweet potato cubes. It will take you between fifteen and twenty minutes. All you have to do is arrange all the ingredients of the recipe in two bowls. The base can be spinach, on which we will place the nuts, chickpeas, avocado and egg and feta. You can season it with oil and salt, soy sauce or any other sauce of your choice. You can also replace the egg with another protein source such as salmon or chopped chicken breasts.
  • Curried Tofu with Vegetables and Brown Rice. We will also offer you an option suitable for vegetarian and vegan diets. But to be truly rich in vitamin B12, tofu – which is the main ingredient – ​​must be enriched with this micronutrient. To ensure this, you will need to carefully read the label that accompanies this ingredient when purchasing it. You can accompany this recipe with the vegetables that you like the most. A good combination is to use onion, yellow pepper, carrot and broccoli. We will cut them into small pieces and sauté them with a few drops of olive oil. The day before, we can marinate the tofu to give it more flavor with soy and some spices such as curry, turmeric, red paprika, black pepper, cinnamon and cumin. You can also add grated ginger. When cooking the curry you can do it with coconut milk which gives it a special flavor, or if you don’t like it, another option is to use vegetable broth to which we will add our green, yellow or red curry paste. The preparation is accompanied by brown rice.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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