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HomeLatest NewsThey accuse Monica Garcia of the "extreme seriousness" of Ceuta and Melilla

They accuse Monica Garcia of the “extreme seriousness” of Ceuta and Melilla

The autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla are on the verge of health collapse, according to recent complaints from local professionals and politicianswho have directed their criticism to the Minister of Health, Mónica García, for her alleged lack of action and abandonment.

The senator of the Popular Party of Melilla, Isabelle Morenodenounced the situation of “health emergency” in both cities, accusing the Executive of taking negligent measures and failing to take effective action after declaring these areas difficult to cover more than a year ago. Moreno demanded that García “manage, act or resign,” warning that the working conditions of doctors are disastrous, with endless shifts and salaries that are not paid.

In addition, Isabelle Morenoexpressed his strong disagreement with the minister, describing the situation in Ceuta and Melilla as a “health emergency”, criticizing what he considers to be a “inaction” And “voluntary abandonment” of the Government. The senator called for extraordinary and urgent measures, accusing the government of having left the cities”orphans» of suitable solutions.

Moreno also stressed that the situation is “extreme and absolutely distressing” after the management of six PSOE ministers. The senator criticized the quality of life of doctors, calling them “overwhelmed” by “endless guards” and the worst salary conditions in Spain. In addition, he stressed that the ratio of professionals per thousand inhabitants is the lowest in Europe and that primary care is “absolutely precarious.”

With criticism from the Popular Party, the debate over the effectiveness of the government’s health policies is intensifying. Ceuta and Melilla, and a call is made for immediate action to address what is considered a crisis in the health sector of autonomous cities.

The Minister of Health, Monique Garciadefended, for his part, the government’s efforts to improve health care in Ceuta and Melilla, by highlighting investments in infrastructure and improving working conditions for healthcare professionals.

During her appearance in the Senate, the minister assured that the quality of care is increasing thanks to a “ambitious investment plan” began in 2018 – but nobody knows it – with an average of 38 patients treated daily, who are also not recognized in Spanish cities. In addition, García said that the number of specialist doctors has increased by 20% in the last decade, data that does not agree with those recognized by the Popular Party.

Faculty of Medicine of Ceuta

The Official Colleges of Physicians of Ceuta and Melilla, and approved by the General Council of Medical Schools of Spain (CGCOM)have asked the European Parliament’s Committee on Petitions (PETI) to intervene in the chaotic situation affecting the health system in the two autonomous Spanish cities. The lack of resources and personnel is so serious that it is impossible for doctors to decide to work in both Ceuta and Melilla.

In this sense, they have appealed to Article 139 of the Spanish Constitution, which states that: “All Spaniards have the same rights and obligations in any part of Spanish territory.” Apparently, the Government of the Nation is competent in matters of Health in these cities, this goes without saying, as the doctors have pointed out, referring to the current immobility of its Administration with Ceuta.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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