Home Top Stories Two injured and an overturned car leaving a road in Culleredo (La...

Two injured and an overturned car leaving a road in Culleredo (La Coruña) early in the morning

Two injured and an overturned car leaving a road in Culleredo (La Coruña) early in the morning

Two people were injured this Wednesday, November 13, around six in the morning in Culleredo (La Coruña), more precisely near the Third round with the Ledoño polygon.

As reported by 112 Galicia, A Some of them had to be freed by firefighters through the roof of the vehicle, after which both were transferred to the referral hospital.

After the accident, one of the people involved explained to 112 Galicia that they had just experience a departure from the road at kilometer 9 of the AC-14, in Sésamo. Arriving on scene, health services confirmed that the co-pilot was unable to get out of the vehicle.

Thus, 112 Galicia requested the intervention of the firefighters of Arteixo, the Civil Guard of Traffic, the local police of Culleredo and the road maintenance services. The firefighters had to open a hole in the roof of the car to evacuate the person.


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