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Muface increases civil servants’ bonuses by 25% but private healthcare considers it insufficient

Private healthcare wants to crush Muface. The Institute for Health Development and Integration (IDIS Foundation), which includes the country’s major insurers, such as Asisa, Adeslas, Mapfre or DKV, considers the possible 25% increase in premiums for the period 2025 of the Muface agreement for public employees to be insufficient. The private healthcare lobby believes that this increase does not allow for “fair” financial conditions.

Specifically, regarding the possible intention of the General Mutual of State Civil Servants (Muface) to increase the premium by 24% for 2025 and 1% for 2026, the IDIS Foundation has warned of the “risk” that this increase implies for the maintenance of the model. The new 2025-2026 agreement must make it possible to achieve financial and health conditions that “on a fair basis, provide the possibility of continuing to maintain a sustainable model for the national health system as a whole”. This was communicated by the IDIS Foundation while waiting for the official offer from the Administration for the new agreement and after having become aware of this possible increase in the premium.

According to the private healthcare lobby, premiums should be increased and conditions reviewed taking into account the “losses” that the entities that provide the service have been accumulating for years. Likewise, it considers that the average increase in the premium must ensure that insurers can, “in a balanced way”, cover the economic costs and the health benefits necessary to cover this group.

In this sense, he points out that while public investment per capita and per person has increased by 53% in the last ten years, that allocated to mutuals has increased by 32%, which produces, in the specific case of Muface, “losses of more than 142 million euros in 2023 due, among other things, to the group’s high accident rate, close to 110%”, again according to the private health lobby.

But there are more conflicting interests. The Spanish Association of Free Practice Doctors, Unipromel, has announced a possible appeal “if it is not guaranteed that this increase will be transferred to the real providers of the Concert, which are the doctors”, since it emphasizes that it is the insurers who They keep most of the amount.

Muface has paid €3.571 million to insurers SegurCaixa Adeslas, Asisa and DKV over the period 2022-2024. This amount represents a total increase of 10% compared to the previous expenditure.

Despite these expenses, the unions Csif, UGT and CCOO have stressed that mutual insurance companies are suffering reductions in medical staff, that health centres and medical specialities have been reduced and that some medical examinations are billed separately or that there is no primary care in small towns.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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