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HomeLatest NewsMother denounces taxi driver in Cordoba for treatment of her autistic son

Mother denounces taxi driver in Cordoba for treatment of her autistic son

“Let his mother bear the child. “Only normal people come here.” That’s what a woman should have heard. women when he wanted to make a taxi ride in Cordoba with his six-year-old autistic son. For this reason, he reported the driver for hate crime based on disability and for humiliation and insults.

According to the complaint, it all happened on Monday, September 9, when the woman went to visit her father, who lives in the Barcelona AvenueTheir home is on Sagunto Street, but they wanted to take a taxi because of the heat, fatigue and the discomfort of the little one.

The woman claims in the complaint that she informed the driver of her son’s autism and that he initially agreed to take them. When the trip began, the nervousness of the boy and the man decided to expel him and his mother. He did so “with abuse and swear words,” according to the complainant.

“Let your mother put up with this, only normal people get in my car,” he even said as he kicked them out. Furthermore, he contacted the headquarters by radio and asked to be excluded from these services, because “only people get in his taxi.” normal“.

No claim form

From there, the mother asked the complaints and the driver denied it and fled. The woman and her son took another taxi which made the journey without any problems.

For this reason, and on the basis of the Organic Law of Protection of minorsfiled a complaint for hate crimes based on disability, as well as for humiliation and insults due to the treatment he suffered.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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