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HomeLatest NewsWhich saints are celebrated today, Monday September 16, 2024?

Which saints are celebrated today, Monday September 16, 2024?

Which saints are celebrated today, Monday September 16, 2024? Today Monday, the Catholic Church commemorates several important saints who have profoundly marked the history of Christianity. Among them, two important figures stand out: Saint Cornelius and Saint Cyprian, two martyrs whose courage and firm faith make them spiritual references. Saint Corneliuswho was pope and martyr, fought courageously against the divisions within the Church, in particular against the split promoted by the novices. For his part, Saint Cyprian, considered one of the first Fathers of the Church, He played a vital role in the formation of Christian thought and in the defence of ecclesiastical unity.

In addition to Saint Cornelius and Saint Cyprianon this date the memory of Saint Euphemia of Chalcedona martyr venerated for her courage in remaining steadfast in her Christian faith, despite the brutal persecutions she faced. Saint Euphemia was a witness to her faith at the Council of Chalcedon, where, according to tradition, she miraculously intervened to resolve a major doctrinal conflict. This day is therefore an opportunity to remember not only the most well-known saints, but also those whose witness and sacrifice were fundamental in the formation and defense of the Christian faith. In this way, we now present the story of these saints commemorated today, in addition to listing the rest of the saints celebrated on September 16.

Saint Cornelius

Saint Cornelius was born in troubled times for the Church. He assumed the papacy in the year the midst of an ecclesiastical crisis marked by the persecution of Christians under the Emperor Decius and the internal divisions caused by the Novice Schism. Novitian, a Roman priest, opposed Cornelius’ policy of reconciliation towards Christians who had apostatized during the persecutions, arguing that those who had renounced their faith should not be readmitted to the Church. Cornelius, for his part, defended mercy and forgiveness, provided that there was genuine penance.

His papacy, although brief, was fundamental for the consolidation of the Church in difficult times. His pastoral approach sought to restore peace and unity to a community deeply affected by persecution and schism. However, Cornelius could not escape the consequences of his leadership in a time of instability. He was arrested by the Roman authorities and, after enduring several exiles, he died in 253, probably due to the harsh conditions of his captivity. The Church venerated him as a martyr, and his legacy as a compassionate and faithful pastor has endured through the centuries.

Saint Cyprian

Saint Cyprian, born in Carthage in the 3rd centurywas one of the most influential theologians of the early Church. His conversion to Christianity was relatively late, but once he embraced the faith he became one of its most fervent defenders. In 249 he was elected bishop of Carthage, and his leadership was soon marked by the persecution of Decius, which put the young Christian community to the test. In this context, Cipriano distinguished himself by his wisdom and prudence in the face of internal and external threats.

Cyprian also had to deal with the problem of the lapsi, Christians who had renounced their faith during the persecutions. Like Cornelius, Cyprian defended the possibility of readmitting apostates under conditions of true penance. This position was fundamental for the restoration of the unity of the Church in North Africa. Moreover, his theological and pastoral writings, such as “De Unitate Ecclesiae” (On the Unity of the Church), remain essential in ecclesiological reflection.

Cyprian’s steadfastness was not only manifested in his theological and pastoral life, but also in his martyrdom. During a new wave of persecutions he was arrested and condemned to death.On September 14, 258, Cyprian was beheaded. and his martyrdom consolidated his reputation as a courageous defender of the faith. His work and example were fundamental in the development of Christian doctrine and in the defense of the Church as a community united under Christ.

Saint Euphemia of Chalcedon

Saint Euphemia of Chalcedon is another of the holy figures remembered by the Church today. Euphemia lived in the late 3rd and early 4th centuries in the city of Chalcedon. (now part of Istanbul, Turkey). Her martyrdom occurred during the persecutions of Diocletian, one of the emperors best known for his cruelty towards Christians. According to tradition, Eufemia was tortured for refusing to renounce her faith and was eventually executed because she was a Christian.

However, his influence on the Church extends beyond his martyrdom. She is especially revered for her supposed intervention at the Council of Chalcedon in 451. According to tradition, when the bishops could not agree on the nature of Christ, they placed two confessions of faith in the tomb of Saint Euphemia. When they opened the tomb, they discovered that Euphemia had accepted the Orthodox declaration, which was interpreted as a miraculous sign of her intervention. This story has made Saint Euphemia an important figure in both Orthodox and Catholic tradition.

Other saints celebrated on September 16

With those mentioned, This Monday, these other saints are also celebrated:

  • Saints Abundio of Soracte and companions
  • Saints Victor, Felix, Alexander and Papias of Rome
  • Saint Prisco of Nocera
  • San Niniano House of Candida
  • Saints Rogelio and Servideo of Cordoba
  • Saint Ludmila of Bohemia
  • Saint Edith of Vintonia
  • Blessed Victor III
  • Saint Vitale of Savigny
  • San Martin de Sigüenza
  • Blessed Ludovico Alemán
  • Blessed Domingo Shobioye, Miguel Timonoya and Pablo Timonoya
  • San Juan Macias
  • San Andres Kim Taegon
  • Blessed Ignatius Casanovas
  • Blessed Laureano Fernet Caño, Benito Ferrer Jordá and Bernardino Martínez Robles


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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