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PP demands to know where the “Venezuelan regime” has detained Spaniards and in what conditions

The president of the PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijooregretted that his party continued without receiving “any information” from the government on the situation of the Two Spaniards detained in Venezuelaaccused of being part of an alleged operation to attack Nicolas Maduro. In statements to journalists after visiting a nursery school for 0-3 year-olds in Alicante together with the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, the equally popular Carlos Mazón, he said that continues with “absolute concern” the detention of these two citizens by the Venezuelan “regime.” He added that the events occurred more than two days ago and that “the main party in this country,” referring to the PP, “has no information by the Government”: “They did not inform us of the date of their detention, of what they are accused of, of their personal conditions, of the place where they are being held and of the living conditions of the place where they are.”

After insisting that this lack of information from the government is “regrettable”, Feijóo asked that the PP be informed both of the “negotiations” to grant political asylum to the winner of the Venezuelan elections, Edmundo González, “and what they are doing to some compatriots detained by the Maduro regime.

Feijóo also said he appreciated that “the leaders of the The PSOE begins to speak clearly and refer to the regime of Maturing like a dictatorship“For me it is not easy to say, but I would violate my conscience if I used euphemisms or looked the other way when I saw the attack on political, civil and human rights in Venezuela, and how the unequivocal will of the Venezuelan people is buried based on economic or ideological interests.”

Feijóo meets Edmundo González this Tuesday

The PP president recalled that he was considering this Tuesday receive Edmundo González at the Congress of Deputies and he added that he chose this scenario because it is “the representation of the sovereignty of the country and the same chamber that recognized him as president-elect.”

Feijóo considers opposition candidate Edmundo González to be the winner of the presidential elections held in Venezuela on July 28.

“And I hope that tomorrow too European Parliament, vote according to your conscienceto respect the rights of the Venezuelan people acquired in the elections of July 28,” he said, adding that “we cannot allow a dictatorship to impose itself on a democracy” for “ideological, economic or political” reasons.




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