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Sumar calls for ban on speculative housing purchases and 200 euros per month education allowance

The second vice president and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Diaz, announced this Monday its proposal for the general state budget for 2025a 36-page document focusing on housing, conciliation and tax reformwhich are their main demands for this legislature. This was reported by the Minister of Labour, after being approved by all the coalition parties, his four ministers and the parliamentary group.

Sumar will begin negotiating his proposal with the PSOE with flagship proposals such as the purchase of homes for speculation and an education allowance of 200 euros per month. The coalition will have to negotiate in the coming weeks with the socialists, while the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, already informed his party’s parliamentarians on Monday of his intention to exhaust the legislature despite being in a parliamentary minority and therefore asked for dialogue and open “to ideas and needs” other political forces, but without forgetting their own.

Yolanda Díaz, at an event held at the College of Architects in Madrid, defended that the coalition “is in the Spanish government because Spain wants more.” “Today we share with whom we want to negotiate with the PSOE and what we must do. We are looking to the future of the country“The first pending task is called inequality,” the minister said at the beginning of the event, surrounded by the four ministers and the parties that make up the coalition.

The coalition affirms that we are in a political moment “that requires the government to take the initiative and reactivate a legislature that began with the dual objective of advancing in the strengthening of social and labor rights, on the one hand, and responding to the challenges” of the territorial articulation of our country, on the other hand, “they explain from Sumar. The document, they consider, is “ambitious and reflects the essence of the government’s agreement.”


One of Sumar’s main problems is housing and so far only vague measures have been taken by the government to solve a very important problem for citizens. According to Sumar, “access to housing has become a real drama for hundreds of thousands of families and especially for young people.

For this reason, they have formulated several proposals and/or measures to solve the housing problem. On the one hand, they propose a temporary ban on the purchase of apartments for speculative purposes. A measure that sources from the Ministry of Housing wanted to clarify to LaSexta, assuring that ““They will establish that you live there a minimum number of years.”“During these years, it cannot be sold, except in cases of force majeure. It must be the habitual residence and tax domicile,” they argued.

Sumar also seeks a solution for the autonomous communities, mainly from the PP, that do not apply the housing law and that is why he proposes “condition all public housing aid intended to the autonomous communities to apply “the rule” to limit rental prices. Finally, he wants the permanent contract to be the default contract for rental housing, as is the case for employment contracts, and. put an end to illegal tourist rentalsamong other proposals.

While to structurally solve the housing problem, Sumar supports allocate 1% of annual GDP to investment in a stock of affordable and non-disqualified public rental housing. Its financing during the first years would be ensured by a State fund endowed with 40 billion in subsidized loans from European funds.

Tax reform

Regarding tax reform, Sumar advocated for the creation of a solidarity tax on large inheritances, more than one million euros, and proposed to apply VAT on education and private health insurance, as well as the discount on basic products and services, such as hairdressers, veterinary centers, diapers and gluten-free products. “It is essential to advance tax justice to finance public policies,” Sumar insists in the document, and Díaz points out that “with the tax reform, 27 billion euros would be recovered.”

The tax reform proposed by Sumar consists of creating, among other measures, a tax on large inheritances oralternately, include capital gains in personal income tax of inheritances and donations, “with the aim of avoiding downward tax competition in the area of ​​inheritance and donation taxes”. This tax would be the difference between the State tax and that established by the autonomous communities, encouraging them not to reduce the tax below the minimum set. As stated in the document, the national inheritance tax would be introduced for estates over one million euros and would be applied in a similar way to the wealth tax.

It is also proposed to increase corporate tax collection from large companies by reviewing and reducing deductions; limit compensation for losses to 4 years or unapplied deductions; abolish the group consolidation regime; and eliminate the tax advantage of “international double taxation” of dividends on profits repatriated from third countries.

Given that the State General Finance Act cannot introduce a new tax or modify personal income tax in this sense, it is proposed that this commitment accompany the approval of the PGE and be developed in the form of an invoice within the next 6 months. Finally, in terms of taxation, he calls for the perpetuation and strengthening of the tax on energy and banking companies; as well as the elimination of tax privileges. of the Catholic Church, including the obligation to pay IBI.

Regarding self-financingSumar demands that AIReF calculate, within a maximum period of six months, the financing deficits of the regions in order to activate, on the basis of this data, the corresponding compensation mechanisms. “There are autonomous communities that are underfunded”such as the Valencian Community, Aragon or AndalusiaDiaz defended himself, and that “is not debatable.”

Social rights and feminist rights

Regarding social rights, the document provides for a universal allowance for the education of children. with an amount of 200 euros per month for the age period between 0 and 18 years and the universalisation of education between 0 and 3 years. Added to this is a proposal to immediately implement paid parental leave for care, as required by the European directive.

Finally, in the placement, they seek to extend the benefits of large families to single-parent families. On the other hand, they ask improve the minimum living income or raise the public indicator of multi-purpose income (IPREM).

In terms of health, its proposals include: expanding oral health benefitssubsidies for the purchase of glasses and contact lenses or the increase in the provision of primary care, as well as the increase in taxes on tobacco.




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