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The new formula will not come into effect for the current school year.

The rules for university certificates will not be modified for the school year that has just begun, as the official texts have not been published in time, the Ministry of National Education announced on Monday, September 16. “The order should have been signed before the start of the school year” so that the changes to the university certificate, announced by former Education Minister Gabriel Attal in December 2023, will be applied this year, explained the rue de Grenelle to Agence France-Presse (AFP).

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Following the announcements made in December by Gabriel Attal, the resigning government had planned to modify the conditions for granting the diploma that marks the end of the 3rdmystarting with the next session in June. The objective was then to increase the weight of the final exams in the final grade and above all to condition “direct access to secondary school” To obtain the certificate, failing students must pass a class. “secondary preparation”.

Regarding the mandatory certificate to move to the second grade, the most controversial point, the decree “frozen at this point” AND “The next government will decide what happens”“The resigning Education Minister, Nicole Belloubet, said during her back-to-school press conference at the end of August. On the terms of the patent assessment, she assured that the texts had “It had to be postponed” due to the political context, but since the end of “current affairs”, “We should be able to secure their publication so that they come into force for the 2025 patent.”.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. University certificate: the vagueness about the exam reform will not be removed at the beginning of the school year

But “At the next Higher Education Council (CSE) to be held on October 10, there will be no changes to the 2025 certificate (new calculation of points and mandatory certificate to move on to second grade)”Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of Snes-FSU, the first union of secondary and higher education schools, confirmed to AFP. Elisabeth Allain-Moreno, general secretary of SE-Unsa, welcomed the withdrawal. “We told Nicole Belloubet that we had to remove this project from the certificate because the school year had already started for 3rd grade »said. “The patent may possibly evolve [dans les années à venir]but not at the last minute and not without consulting the personnel concerned”he added.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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