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Bildu demands from Chivite that those who speak Basque have a greater advantage in the oppositions

that he Support from pro-ETA members of Bildu for Maria Chivite was agreed upon has been revealed dozens of times. What has never been revealed is the content of this pact. Yes, its consequences, as gift from the Pamplona City Council to the radical nationalism of the socialists.

The fine print of this pact, which involved not only the investiture of Chivite, but also budgetary stability And legislative necessary, is the one that has never been revealed and which, from time to time, pro-ETA members remember to remember. In this context, the Bildu asks Chivite so that your friends are taken into account more in exams than those who get a better grade.

So, pro-ETA members signed up a motion in the Parliament of Navarre to ask the Provincial Government to take into consideration the report of the Basque Council of Navarre that rejected on September 12 the decree of merit that the Executive is considering approving for access to public service. As is clear, what the Basque Council is looking for is that nationalism controls public administration from Navarre through the civil servants who work there, in addition to giving access to a public place to those who are linked to their cause, for life, before those who do not speak Basque.

This is why the parliamentarian of EH Bildu, Adolfo Araiz, explained, at the end of the Table and the Chamber of Spokespersons of the Parliament of Navarre, that the Basque Council rejected the decree on the merits by twelve votes against, six abstentions and one vote in favor. Araiz explained that the nationalist party supports “a good part of the demands, assessments and criticisms formulated by the council and assured” that this decree causes budget cuts.

For this reason, EH Bildu has proposed a three-point motion. Firstly, regarding the regional decree, he asks the Government of Navarre to take into account the report issued by the Basque Language Council of Navarre. Second, ask that the regional decree proposal not be approved and proposes another in which “in the Navarrese administration Basque has the guarantee of effective use and what is effectively proposed is the normalization of Basque and linguistic rights.”

Thirdly, the EH Bildu motion calls for that “the regulation be amended so that the Basque Council agreements are not simply consultative, are not mere advice, but have a binding value“.

For his part, the UPN spokesman Javier Esparzaexpressed his “concern” about the motion of EH Bildu, because “Bildu is putting pressure on the PSN and the PSN is already giving in, in a linguistic policy that wants to make first-class citizens and second-class citizens, in a political linguistic policy that what we want to do is ensure that Navarrese who know Basque have preferential treatment in accessing public service, which breaks equality of opportunity”, he indicated.

Esparza indicated that “the Basque Language Council of Navarre is a non-binding institution, so the Government can perfectly decide what it should do.” “In our case, we believe that Basque is a co-official language in Navarre, in a part of Navarre, that it cannot be imposed, that it Access to public office cannot be a privilege” he stressed.

The UPN spokesman indicated that “the draft decree that we know does not specify the points that they will have nor the positions where Basque will be valued”, Everything is left to collective bargaining with unions, which can even generate legal uncertainty.“.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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