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How they work and in what cases their coverage compensates

We are fortunate to live in a country where there is a system to look after our health and that of our families, but when our dogs, cats or other animals we live with get sick, the veterinary bill can be a significant expense. In the same way that we take out accident insurance for our home or car, or private health insurance, it is also possible to take out health insurance for our pets.

The popularity of pet health insurance has increased, among other factors, due to the entry into force of the Animal Welfare Act, which, as of September 29, 2024, will require all dog owners to take out liability insurance. The previous law required insurance only for dogs of breeds considered potentially dangerous, such as the pitbull terrier or the rottweiler, but now it will be all dogs without exception.

These changes in legislation have also generated an increase in demand for specific insurance for animals, not only due to compliance with the law but also due to the search for greater protection against unforeseen expenses and accidents.

Pet insurance offers various coverages, from civil liability to comprehensive veterinary care. For example, companies like Mapfre, SantéVet or Petplan offer different levels of protection that can range from damage due to accidents and theft, to reimbursement of veterinary expenses and medical assistance.

Prices vary depending on the coverage and the company. For example, basic insurance can cost around 60 or 70 euros per year, while more comprehensive insurance with veterinary coverage can reach more than 300 euros per year. In addition, some insurances include additional benefits such as free choice of veterinarians and the possibility of international coverage.

Pet Insurance Coverage

When purchasing pet health insurance, as with any other insurance, it is advisable to evaluate the coverage we need and weigh the possible risks. Here are some of the most recommended coverages:

  • Civil liability: covers damages that the animal could cause to third parties, both material and personal. It will be mandatory in Spain from 2024 for all dogs, but not for other pets. It is already in force in some regions such as Madrid and the Basque Country, with coverage that cannot be less than 120,000 euros.
  • Veterinary coverage: Should generally include veterinary visits, medical treatments and surgical procedures.
  • Hospitalization: covers hospitalization costs if the animal must stay in a clinic.
  • Medications: reimbursement of the cost of medications prescribed by the veterinarian.
  • Accidents: Covers veterinary expenses resulting from accidents, such as crushes or falls. Some policies can cover more than €3,000 per year.
  • Illnesses: Includes diagnosis and treatment of pet illnesses, but typically has an out-of-pocket limit that can vary by policy.
  • Vaccinations and deworming: Some policies include preventative treatments such as vaccination and deworming of animals.
  • Regular check-ups: In this case, routine consultations and periodic health checks of the animal are covered.
  • Compensation in the event of death: in the event of the death of the animal following an accident or illness, certain contracts offer compensation.
  • Theft and loss: This guarantee compensates in the event of theft of the animal or costs related to the search for a lost animal.
  • Killing and Disposal: Covers expenses related to killing and disposing of the animal’s body.
  • Telephone assistance: Some policies include 24-hour telephone veterinary advice.
  • International coverage: protection of pets and civil liability when traveling abroad.
  • Discounts on approved veterinary clinics: some insurance companies offer reduced rates on a network of approved veterinary clinics.
  • Home veterinarian: this coverage will save us from having to go to the veterinarian when this is not possible.

Many of these policies have limitations. For example, some tests or treatments, such as ultrasounds, blood tests or slaughter, may be partially covered, and owners will have to contribute the difference in the cost of the service. In exchange, the annual cost of the insurance may be reduced.

What to Consider When Buying Pet Insurance

When purchasing insurance for dogs, cats and other pets, it is important to consider the specific needs and risks of each animal.

  • Amount of civil liability: make sure that the contract provides the most generous coverage possible, above the minimum set by law.
  • Annual limits: Coverage may be limited in expenses, for example up to a maximum of €3,000 per year, and in the number of treatments. Please note that beyond the limit, you will have to bear the full cost.
  • Deductibles: If the contract has a deductible, in the event of an accident, you may have to pay part of it out of pocket. In exchange, you will benefit from a lower annual premium.
  • Pre-existing conditions: Make sure you know if the insurance covers pre-existing conditions or if they are excluded to avoid surprises.
  • Waiting periods: As with personal health insurance, the insurance company may ask you to wait a certain amount of time before they start covering certain services like hospitalization.
  • Choice of veterinarian: check whether you can freely choose your veterinarian or whether you are limited to a network of concerted clinics.
  • International coverage: If you are traveling with your pet abroad, consider taking out a policy that offers international coverage, both for civil liability and veterinary expenses.
  • Increase due to claims: Make sure you understand if the price of insurance will increase due to past claims.

Taking the time to compare different policies and insurers will help you find the insurance that best suits you and your pet’s needs.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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