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The Soria Chamber will promote new innovative projects based on technology through the Impulsa Startup program

The Chamber of Commerce of Soria will promote new innovative projects based on technology through the launch of the Impulsa Startup program. A program in which entrepreneurs with a business idea based on technology and startups will be able to receive training, advice, support, accompaniment and mentoring for their constitution, development, growth and expansion.

The general director of the Chamber of Commerce of Soria, Nuria Sánchez, and the president of the entity, Alberto Santamaría, presented this program co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus, within the framework of the Education and Training, Employment and Social Economy Program. Program (2021 – 2027). The program is aimed at entrepreneurs with a business idea based on technology or projects from one or more partners (whether or not they are established as a startup), who have achieved a minimum viable product (MVP).

The entrepreneurs and startups that will participate in the program will be selected through the call already published on the website of the Chamber of Commerce of Soria. Applications can be submitted before September 20. The technical staff that runs Impulsa Startup will select the projects that best fit the objectives, with a maximum of 10 initiatives.

The requirements to participate are to have a business idea that uses technology on a large scale and to have Spanish nationality, citizenship of the European Union or residence or a valid residence and work permit in Spain, reports Ep.

The people who present projects and who are finally selected will learn how to develop a first version of their product allowing validate your idea with usersIn addition, they will be able to benefit from specific advice and support at each stage of development, specialized training to transform the idea into a solid and viable project, as well as ongoing mentoring.

They will also have the opportunity to present their project in front of a panel of startup experts and compete for a prize of 1,600 euros.

Contact with investors

This first phase of the program is called Crea y Crece and will end next year with the second phase, Despega, whose objective will be for entrepreneurs to learn to evolve your business model and present it to potential investors.

Regarding the specific development of the program, the selected people will benefit from the support of a tutor from the Chamber of Commerce who will guide them throughout the process of training, creation and validation of their idea.

In parallel, the selected entrepreneurs will receive up to 40 hours of live training (in person or in a virtual classroom). Finally, entrepreneurs who have completed the entire learning and training process will have the opportunity to present their project in front of a jury.



Jack Wilshere
Jack Wilshere
My name is Jack Wilshere, and I am an author.


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