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“They want to bring him in through the back door”

The PP spokesman in Congress, Miguel Telladotoday disconnected the media project presented by the government from the European regulation on which the executive relies to defend it.

“That the Government does not intend to take advantage of this adaptation to European regulations to sneak out the back door “any element that goes against precisely the principles that Europe defends,” said the PP spokesman.

The main argument put forward by the president Pedro Sanchez Asking the PP to support the project is precisely what the Popular Group voted in favour of this initiative in the European Parliament.

“Sanchez is not the one who stops distribute licenses “The media, nor journalists’ cards according to what they write or say about themselves, their government or their environment. The democratic deficit in Spain is not caused by the media, but by Sánchez and his government,” Tellado replied.

Among the measures in the government’s plan, the registration of media outlets to know their owners and the advertising they receive – as requested by the EU – stands out, as well as the reform of the crimes of insulting state institutions or offending religious feelings.

Also included the obligation to hold an annual debate on the state of the nation, hold election debates or publish all microdata from electoral surveys.

The PP spokesman in Congress said that it “is striking” that the presentation of these measures “coincides with the investigation into the government, the party and the family” of the president. “If there is a mud machine that we have to fight against, it is precisely the one led by Pedro Sánchez,” Tellado stressed.

The popular leader added that the PSOE has built a factory fake news and hoaxes to investigate “rivals, prosecutors, media outlets or journalists.” “This is not a plan for regeneration, but for degeneration” said the popular spokesman.

We can threaten

The four Podemos MPs also threaten to vote against the plan, which must be debated in parliament, if the government does not include certain measures that the purple party has already demanded in the past.

Among them, there would be the one Current affairs presenters and media managers are required to make your financial interests publicas is the case for public functions.

“Without these measures, it will be very difficult for Podemos to support the plan,” said the Podemos MP. Javier Sanchez SernaThe left-wing party considers that there is a “media oligopoly” and announces its opposition if proposals are not presented to put an end to it.

Podemos also criticizes the fact that Sánchez’s plan can only involve a “simple European transposition” on freedom of the press. Without the votes of these four deputies, integrated into the Mixed Group, the Government would have great difficulty in moving forward.

Smoke screen

In line with what was expressed by the PP, Vox assures that it is a “smokescreen” by the government to avoid talking about the legal cases surrounding Sánchez.

The MP Pepa Millan stated that the This plan is typical of a “totalitarian regime”, since it ensures that the government “will not devote itself to fighting hatred, but to managing it”.
“What the government is really looking for is its own impunity“, assured the spokesperson of Vox, who also considers that “the real mud machine is in Moncloa and is financed with the money of all Spaniards.”




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