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Oppositions for the Higher Body of Economic and Financial Administration of Castilla y León: conditions, dates and exams

He Official Journal of Castile and Leon includes the call for oppositions, in free shift, for which the Council wishes to take charge 19 places of the Higher Body of Economic and Financial Administration. Among the places called, they are reserved two for disabled people.

What requirements must I meet to access the Higher Body of Economic and Financial Administration of Castile and León?

Candidates must have the Spanish nationality or that of a Member State of the European Union; be over 16 years of age and not exceed the maximum retirement age; as well as have the functional capacities necessary to perform the duties of the position.

Regarding the qualification, interested persons must be in possession of the title of Doctor, Graduate, Engineer, Architect or University Graduate. In addition, persons applying for the disability quota must provide proof of a Score of 33%.

When can I apply? How can I do it?

The deadline for submitting applications begins on September 18 and ends October 14.

Applications can be submitted via the Web page of the Junta de Castilla y León. They can also appear in person at the Administrative offices of the community, after completing the relevant forms and submitting the required documents detailed in the bases.

What will the exams to access the Higher Body of Economic and Financial Administration of Castile and León be like?

The selection process will be governed by opposition in free turnwhich will include three exercises.

In the first of these, candidates must solve in writing a 10 question quiz on the themes included in Annex II-1 of the bases.

The second exercise will be divided into two parts. In the first of them, candidates must solve in writing, four practical hypotheses of accounting and financial mathematics related to the agenda of Annex II-2. While in the second they must develop a practical case in writing related to tax law or budgetary law, the control system and public accounting.

In the third exercise, those present must orally exposed for a period of between 30 and 60 minutesfour themes: one on constitutional, autonomous and administrative law; another on public finances, the European Union and the financial system; another on budgetary law, the control system and public accounting; and the last on tax law.




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