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HomeTop StoriesFeijóo meets Meloni as part of strategy to internationalize migration crisis

Feijóo meets Meloni as part of strategy to internationalize migration crisis

Alberto Núñez Feijóo loses his fear of taking a photo with Giorgia Meloni. Proof of this is the visit that the president of the Popular Party (PP) has planned with the Italian prime minister, as confirmed by laSexta this Wednesday. A stopover in Rome that is part of the European tour that the popular is undertaking to work on a internationalization strategy of the migration crisis. A journey he has already undertaken this week with a trip to Athens where he met the Greek conservative Kyriákos Mitsotákis.

The agenda of the meeting with the Italian Prime Minister is clear. A growing migration crisis that is causing concern especially in the countries bordering the Mediterranean, whose response in Feijóo’s eyes must be communal. A speech similar to that of Mitsotákis and Meloni on this subject.

In fact, Feijóo has been praising the immigration policy of the co-founder of the far-right group Brothers of Italy and now Italian Prime Minister for weeks. Praise that he also addressed to the Greek conservative in the Greek city where he assured that “Spain must take note of his model of political stability and his reformist agenda.” Despite, of course, the fact that NGOs constantly denounce “systematic hot returns”as well as abandonments at sea.

It is worth noting that this meeting comes just after Meloni’s group gained weight within the European Union (EU), following the appointment of one of its men to the post of executive vice-president of the European Commission, Raffaele Fitto. Similarly, the meeting coincides a week after the British Prime Minister’s meeting, Keir Starmeralso met with the Italian woman and praised her progress on migration.

A position from the British which comes after having reaffirmed that the plan of his predecessor Rishi Sunak –deport irregular migrants to Rwanda– stays in a drawer and will not take placeHe does not even rule out adopting the Meloni model in Italy, whose cornerstone is the strengthening of security and international cooperation.





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