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HomeLatest Newsradical change with cars labeled B and C

radical change with cars labeled B and C

Labels and badges are a way to catalog products. vehicles which circulate according to the impact they will cause, in doing so, on the environment.

All this means that, depending on what contaminates the vehicle, you will have one type of label or another. We are talking about badges that are becoming increasingly important and so you will see what has happened with vehicles that have the B and C label, which have official date so that they can no longer circulate in the streets of cities that exceed a certain number of inhabitants.

In the European Union, it is even said that diesel, petrol or CNG cars will no longer be sold in a few years.

A gradual disappearance

DGT environmental labels based on the level of contamination.

What is clear is that cars disappear in this way depending on the environmental label. Until recently, a series of limits were set with the case of the Community of Madrid, which directly affected vehicles with an A label or those that did not.

We are talking about petrol vehicles from before 2000 and diesel vehicles from before 2006. When we talk about B vehicles, we are talking about those registered between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2006 for petrol and from 2006 to 2015 for diesel.

Another of these peculiarities will be the label Cwhich will be those that will enter into circulation from January 2006 and from 2004, in the case of diesels.

Of course, since 2023, the date of entry into force of this new regulation, the ZBE legislation, the distribution is limited, depending on the vehicle label.

In this way, in all municipalities with more than fifty thousand inhabitants, the town halls will have Eighteen months for the introduction of measures.

Of course, ECO and ZERO may not have any regulation in the short or medium term. Among the cities to which this measure will take place and to which they will not be able to have access are Madrid, Rivas Vaciamadrid, Valencia or the Asturian city of Gijón.

Madrid closes its streets to some vehicles

Since January 1, 2024, the Spanish capital has closed all its streets, with the inclusion of ZBE for vehicles without labels and not registered in the capital itself.

In 2025, no car will be able to do itexcept for people who deliver with their vehicles, emergency vehicles, historic cars or people with reduced mobility.

If we talk about vehicles with environmental labels B and C, it is possible that they can have access to the capital of Madrid without any type of restrictions, except for ZBE and Elliptical Squarewhere entry can be justified provided you go to a parking lot.

Of course, in 2028, these vehicles will also be affected in the Spanish capital. In the European Union, they also want to ban the sale of thermal cars.

Some measures are not free from controversy

Even though we all know that it is obvious that combustion engines pollute and are harmful to the environmentThe truth is that many sectors, including drivers themselves and their associations, believe that they have been too hasty in implementing this type of measure.

Electric cars, which are the most powerful option in every sense of the word, are still not a valid alternative for many drivers who consider them a still very expensive alternative.

Another aspect that makes it difficult for more drivers to opt for these systems is the issue of autonomy, because in many of them it is rare and not everyone wants to take a long trip and have to stop halfway to plug in the vehicle.

In short, part of society believes that these measures have arrived, but perhaps without thinking of the users themselves and in a time frame that is perhaps too short in some cases.

It remains to be seen what will happen, for example, in Madrid, where in recent days the news of the Decision of the High Court of Justice of Madrid that annuls all the ZBEs of the capitaleven though, since this sentence can be appealed, everything remains the same.

The decision is based on the fact that, according to the Court, residents have difficulty acquiring vehicles that comply with environmental regulations and the negative impact they have on thousands of vehicles used for professional purposes.

A further symptom that shows that it is possible that some of the measures that have been taken have been taken without thinking about the citizens themselves and their situation.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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