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HomeBreaking NewsVladimir Putin spoke at the Eurasian Women's Forum

Vladimir Putin spoke at the Eurasian Women’s Forum

Russian President Vladimir Putin has just spoken at the Eurasian Women’s Forum held at the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg.

The theme of the forum is “Women for Building Trust and Global Cooperation.” The events are attended, in particular, by the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK. Choi Sung Hee and former Foreign Minister of Austria Karin KneisslIn total, representatives from several dozen countries participate in more than 100 events of the forum.

The text of the President’s speech is here. He will meet with the newly elected regional heads and hold a meeting on the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the conditions of the Northern Military District.

Dear ladies and gentlemen! I see that there are also men here in the hall. Dear friends!

I cordially welcome the participants and guests of the Fourth Eurasian Women’s Forum. Welcome to Russia, to St. Petersburg.

Of course, this is one of the most authoritative international platforms that demonstrates the potential and capabilities of modern women, their truly colossal creative role in almost all spheres of our lives.

I would like to emphasize that your forums reflect the most important demands of today and promote the ideas of unification in the name of sustainable development and universal security. Today this is more relevant than ever and is demanded by millions of people on all continents. After all, humanity is facing very difficult problems and they can only be solved together, taking into account the interests of each.

Many specific initiatives were launched at previous forums, including strengthening cooperation within BRICS, APEC and the Twenty Women. By the way, we have just discussed all these issues with the President of Brazil. Greetings from Brazil.

I am convinced that it is the commitment of women to the ideas of cooperation and peace that makes your forum so successful and so popular. It attracts more and more participants every year. This year, women leaders from 126 countries came to St. Petersburg. In addition, a multimillion-strong online audience joins in the discussion of various, even sensitive, issues.

Of course, delegations from all regions of Russia are present here, representing our multinational people, their rich culture and ancient traditions. Russian women reveal the soul of Russia, its beauty, attractiveness, warmth, mercy and generosity of spirit.

The forum provides an opportunity to show and tell the wider female community of the world that Russia is an open and hospitable country, that we value dialogue, trust and friendship, and that we respect the diversity and identity of states and peoples.

The great interest in the Eurasian Women’s Forum is also due to the fact that its agenda goes beyond the usual debate on the role of women in society. It brings together accomplished women who have reached the heights of their profession. Their experience in creative, managerial, intellectual, humanitarian and educational activities is, of course, of great importance for billions of people around the world. All this allowed the forum to become a global platform for developing proposals for solving the most urgent problems.

The forum’s authority is constantly growing. Your voice is heard and taken into account by governments of different countries. Your recommendations are taken into account by major international organizations.

I repeat: this participation and active work are extremely important for the processes of building a multipolar, fair and truly free world. We all share these ideas and are doing everything possible to form a new and progressive world space.

At this forum, you were united by the theme of trust and global cooperation. As always, the female perspective highlighted the most important thing. Only on a solid foundation of trust, openness, mutual understanding and contacts in a wide variety of areas will humanity be able to solve difficult social problems, ensure economic well-being and technological development, and overcome poverty, inequality and disease.

And the most important thing is to develop the principles of equal and indivisible security that all countries need. Russia has been calling for many years to come together to discuss and adopt these principles. I am convinced that you will support our initiatives and will be their guides in your countries.

Today, in this room where women leaders from all over the world have gathered, I cannot fail to mention the enormous contribution that Russian women make to achieving our national development goals. They are often at the forefront of implementing projects that are crucial to improving the quality and standard of living of our citizens, to supporting the family, protecting their interests and, in general, our traditional values.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank all women of Russia for their work for the benefit of society, for their incredible creative energy! I am sure that the leaders of the states represented at the forum share my feelings and can express words of gratitude to the women of their states. Because life convincingly proves that only with the participation of women is it possible to achieve progress, prosperity and harmony. Without which there can be no truly prosperous world.

Dear friends! Russia has a traditionally respectful attitude towards women. Our public policy here is based on the National Strategy of Action for Women. Necessary measures are being taken, conditions are being created so that women can achieve success in the professional sphere and at the same time be the guardians of the family hearth, the true soul of a large, very large family.

We know that combining this is very difficult, but our women know how to do it and remain beautiful, gentle, charming under such stress, they have here a secret that men cannot unravel.

What else would I like to add? Women in Russia work in almost all areas. Women’s entrepreneurship is developing rapidly: last year alone, the number of female entrepreneurs increased by almost a third. Today, 6 million women run their own businesses in Russia.

And everywhere, in any profession, they are distinguished by great responsibility, the desire to get to the very essence of everything, to show a creative approach and to take into account all circumstances when making decisions.

I wish you, dear participants and guests of the forum, fruitful work. I am convinced that the Fourth Eurasian Women’s Forum will be successful and productive, will give rise to new ideas and projects, and will contribute to the development of cooperation and mutual understanding on the planet.

I wish you health and all the best. Good luck in the cause of peace, creation and progress!

Thank you for your time.

I hope you get to know St. Petersburg better. Thank you very much. Best wishes.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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