Friday, September 20, 2024 - 3:54 am
HomeTop Stories83-year-old man dies of West Nile fever in Extremadura

83-year-old man dies of West Nile fever in Extremadura

An 83-year-old man admitted to Don Benito-Villanueva Hospital has died from complications West Nile fever in Extremaduraas confirmed by the Extremadura Health Service.

It should be remembered that so far they have been detected 24 cases in Extremadura West Nile fever, and six of them are hospitalized.

More precisely, the admitted There are two men, aged 74 and 66, from the health area of ​​Cáceres, who are in the intensive care unit of the University Hospital Complex of Cáceres, and two women, aged 80 and 50, and two men, aged 90 and 55, who remain in the Don Benito-Villanueva Hospital, according to the Extremadura government in a statement.

Faced with this situation, the SES management informed the management of the eight health zones of Extremadura so that they remain under surveillance before any suspected case with compatible clinical features, thus maintaining a vigilant attitude towards possible cases that will increase diagnostic capacity, even though 80 percent of infections in humans are asymptomatic.


The SES advises keep in good condition swimming pools, ponds or ponds, and try to empty them and prevent them from containing water, objects such as plates under pots, jugs, buckets, toys, pet bowls and tires, among others.

Also recommend cover containers or vessels with water on the outsideas well as keeping water collection gutters on roofs and terrace drains clean, in addition to wearing light-colored clothing and, if possible, covering the body as much as possible with long sleeves, long pants, closed shoes, etc.

Furthermore, avoid using scented soapsperfumes and hairsprays, as they can attract insects, and use repellents and insecticides for general use, provided that they are authorized in the form of lotion, spray or bracelets. The SES recommends the installation of mosquito nets on doors and windows to prevent the entry of mosquitoes.




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