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García Ortiz challenges conservative Macías to remove him from Supreme Court’s unconstitutionality question on amnesty


Updated at 12:10 p.m.

The Attorney General of the State, Álvaro García Ortiz, presented a brief to the Constitutional Court (TC) on Thursday in which he challenges Judge José María Macías on the question of unconstitutionality presented by the Supreme Court regarding the amnesty and that of the previous plenary. has already been admitted for processing.

In his writing, García Ortiz maintains that in the exercise of his office as a member of the General Council of the Judiciary, Macías “participated directly, contributing to them and supporting them with his favorable vote, in at least two institutional actions in which he declared that the body had pronounced officially and publicly: the first, by pronouncing on the constitutionality of the amnesty law announced by the government when its content was not yet known; and the second, at the request of the Senate “and within the legal and formal framework of the legislative process, on the constitutionality of the draft organic law that would finally be approved as LO 1/2024.”

García Ortiz emphasizes that the aforementioned facts “objectively determine the existence of grounds for recusal.”

(news in expansion)

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Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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