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HomeLatest Newsthree million to be distributed between associations

three million to be distributed between associations

The famous “pedrea” of Ximo Puig, a presidential subsidy that the former president of the Generalitat triggered to manually water festive and cultural associations, is not included in the package of items that will be eliminated by the self-proclaimed “Government of” of the president. change”, Carlos Mazón. And his predecessor in the leadership of the PP, Isabel Bonig, wanted to eliminate it due to its “arbitrariness and lack of control”. But it is one thing to be in the opposition and another in government. Mazón, therefore, did not consider that this position is not considered a “big” administrative and has saved three million euros for 2024. Alberto Fabra allocated 50,000 and 65,000 euros for this purpose in his last two years in office.

Just this week, the modification of the credit to obtain the three million was published in the Official Gazette of the Valencian Community and the process is now open for entities to apply for the aid between September 1 and 30, which will finally be decided by the department of the Generalitat itself. Technically, these are “direct subsidies to legal persons, institutions and entities, for the promotion, promotion and realization of activities and events of public, socio-cultural or economic interest for the Valencian Community, during the year 2024”. And to access them before the president’s approval, it is enough to be up to date with the obligations with the Treasury and Social Security.

This discretionary subsidy was heavily criticised by the opposition PP as well as by Ciudadanos and Podemos, who managed to have it eliminated but not completely.

To get an idea of ​​the use of these funds, in 2018 Ximo Puig allocated 70,600 euros to the Committee of Entities of Representatives of People with Disabilities (Cermi) of the Valencian Community; to the Manuel Broseta Foundation 9,000; 17,800 to the Association of Friends of the Corpus of the City of Valencia; 10,200 to the Utiel-Requena AO Wine Route Association; 16,800 at Col·lectiu Ovidi Montllor. Associació de Músics i Cantants del País Valencià or 9,000 euros from the Confederació d’Associacions Veïnals de la Comunitat Valenciana (CAVE-COVA). The subsidized entities and associations used this aid to organize conferences, assemblies, birthdays or specific justified events. In 2017, the falla Gravador Esteve-Cirilo Amorós of Valencia received 1,000 euros from the president for his activity.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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