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HomeLatest NewsIt is possible that today we will experience a new Filomena

It is possible that today we will experience a new Filomena

It is possible that today we will experience a new Filomena according to this meteorologist who did not hesitate to give us more details about what is coming. It is time to pay attention to some weather forecasting systems that do not seem to fail. Jorge Rey has given us reasons to be faithful to the cabañuelas, a moment that perhaps we had not thought about until now, but it is a very avant-garde system.

Everyone is talking about the precision of this young man in determining a rainier summer than the previous ones and temperatures that have increasingly adapted to a new reality that perhaps was not expected. It is time to visualize some situations that could become a reality, keeping in mind some important cycle changes that we may not have thought of until now. Once again, the Cabañuelas are ahead of the rest and tell us that there will be a day, in a short time, when we may begin to see not only autumn arrive, but also the harshest winter.

Jorge Rey confirms it

THE confirmation that we can have a new Filomenacame from the hand of Jorge Rey who managed to conquer half the world with cabañuelas. This traditional system ended up becoming one of the most reliable ever seen to date.

So it has become a reality for which we may not be fully prepared. It is time to have a calendar on the table and organize this fall that already seems to show signs of progress. This will be done with abundant rains that could end up making us react.

Without a doubt, Jorge Rey has already warned that we would have this week of instability before the calm that precedes a great storm. The summer of San Miguel already seems to be a reality, but be careful, with the long-awaited October weekend we could have a series of essential changes.

The time will come to start thinking about what awaits us and how to organize ourselves and avoid this Filomena that could completely disrupt an October that could be one of the coldest in history, in this 2024 of important news.

It is possible that today we will experience a new Filomena

THE Cabañuelas warn Jorge Rey that we are facing a colder period than usual, but that does not mean that we escape autumn or winter. We will experience it with more intensity, starting from October 10, where the change can be significant and even point to a new Filomena.

For now, Jorge Rey anticipates an AEMET that tells us that this phenomenon could be significant: “The presence of a low pressure center in the northwest of the peninsula will cause a day marked by instability in the peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Thus, cloudy skies or covered with showers will predominate, affecting large areas of the territory from early in the morning. These should be accompanied by storms, possibly leaving hailstorms locally in the eastern third of the peninsula and in other Mediterranean areas, without excluding occasional hailstorms in the far north. More intense storms are expected from the early hours in the areas of the northeast third, Alborán and the extreme southeast, and could reach strong levels, as well as especially on the coasts of Tarragona, Castellón and Valencia, where they could reach very strong levels with significant accumulations. In the afternoon, the probability of strong weather will extend to the Cantabrian area and the interior of the eastern third and Galicia, as well as in particular to the Balearic Islands, where they could also become very strong. On the other hand, persistence is expected in the Pyrenees, with possible significant accumulations, as well as in the second half of the day in the eastern end of the Cantabrian Sea. On the contrary, showers will be less likely and abundant in the southwest quadrant of the peninsula and to the west of the northern plateau. During the second half of the day, they are expected to move less from the southwest to the northeast, tending to become increasingly lighter. Banks of morning fog in the northern and eastern thirds of the peninsula, with probable coastal mists or fogs in Galicia.

Temperatures will end up being the main protagonists of these days: “Temperatures will increase in the Balearic Islands and Catalonia, with little change in the Canary Islands and will decrease in the rest. Increases in minimums are also expected in the southeast quadrant of the peninsula. Light trade winds in the Canary Islands, predominance of westerly winds in Galicia and the Cantabrian Sea, those from the east and southeast in the Balearic Islands, third northeast and east facade of the peninsula, and those from the south and southwest in the rest, tending to worsen to the west in the strait.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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