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HomeLatest NewsThese are the best places to pick mushrooms in Madrid

These are the best places to pick mushrooms in Madrid

With the arrival of autumn, many regions of Spain are preparing for pick mushrooms. Cold climates and rains facilitate the growth of many species of mushrooms that are found in nature waiting to be harvested. Thus, this task, already carried out since the beginning of civilization, has become very common among experts and amateurs.

The autonomous community of Madrid It offers ideal conditions for the growth of various species of mushrooms and fungi around its mountains, fields and meadows. Therefore, it is important to know where to look to waste as little time as possible and be able to fully enjoy the task. These are the Best places to pick mushrooms in Madrid:

The Sierra de Guadarrama

THE Guadarrama mountain range It is one of the most recognized natural enclaves in Madrid. In addition, its pine, oak and birch forests, added to the humid and cool climate of the area and the altitude at which it is located, make the mountain an ideal place to pick a wide variety of mushrooms.

One of the most common mushrooms in the region is the chanterelle -or Lactarius deliciosus-, this species stands out for its orange color and is easy to find, as it is abundant in humid forests -mainly near pines- although it is also possible to find it in mixed groves of pines and oaks or oaks.

One of the most remarkable mushrooms in the region is the parasol -or Macrolepiota procera-, which is distinguished by its large cap with brown scales and its long stem. This type of mushroom is very widespread in the most open areas of the mountains, where there is more light.

He white mushroom -or boletus edulis- is another of the most common species present in the Sierra de Guadarrama. This one stands out for its brown hat and its very thick stem. In addition, this mushroom is highly valued in gastronomy for its unique flavor.

Mount Pardo

Located north of the city of Madrid, the Pardo Mountain It has dense forests, among which oaks and cork oaks stand out, around which perfect ecosystems are generated for the growth of various species of mushrooms.

The mountain, which stretches along the middle course of the Manzanares Riverhas a wide variety of mushrooms, among which the oyster mushrooms -or Pleurotus eryngii- or the wild mushroom -or Agaricus arvensis-. Both species are distinguished by their presence in forest and meadow clearings, so they are easy to harvest.

In addition, it is also possible to collect chanterelles in the more humid areas of the forest, mainly near pine forests, where this species grows more easily.

Montejo Beech Forest

He Montejo Beech Forestrecognized as a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), is located in the Sierra del Rincón and is not only a unique natural enclave, but also has a type of mushroom highly valued in gastronomy.

It is none other than the sender -or Marasmius oreades-, which stands out for its small size and flattened cap, as well as its unique and concentrated flavor. Throughout the enclave it will also be possible to harvest chanterelles and white mushrooms.

We are Sierra

Located between Madrid and Segovia, We are Sierra It is one of the mountainous areas of the autonomous community where oak, beech and pine forests are most abundant, ideal for mushroom picking. In addition, the mountains become an extremely cold and humid area in the fall, facilitating the growth of the species.

As in the rest of the places, in this mountain range it will be possible to collect common species such as white mushroom or the chanterelle in wetlands, pine forests and mixed forests, as well as oyster mushrooms in meadows and open spaces.

It is also possible to collect blue foot mushrooms -or Clitocybe nuda-, a species present in humid soils covered with leaf litter, mainly in beech and oak forests, and which is distinguished by being edible when cooked but is harmful to the body if consumed raw.

Additional Tips

As in other areas of the Peninsula, the Community of Madrid has a specific regulation related to mushroom picking, which limits both its collection and the areas where it is possible. It is therefore advisable to find out which areas are free to enter and which require a regional or local permit.

In addition, it is advisable to identify each type of mushroom before harvesting it, as some can cause gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting or diarrhea. Thus, it is not advisable to consume any type of mushroom until you are sure that it is completely edible, since the ingestion of toxic species This could cause problems for the body, even death.

On the other hand, it is important to be responsible when picking mushrooms, always cutting along the stem and leaving the lower part of the mushrooms buried in the ground. This way, the buried part will be able to grow back and produce more mushrooms, contribute to environmental protection and sustainable consumption.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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