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HomeBreaking News"Andalusia would be the great pagan and would weaken the country"

“Andalusia would be the great pagan and would weaken the country”

The President of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Morenoexpressly requested the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezduring the meeting held this Friday to withdraw as soon as possible the Catalan quota And its unique financingwho agreed with ERC to achieve the investiture of Salvador Illa.

After holding a meeting this morning with the presidents of the Basque Country, the lehendakari, Imanol Pradalesand that of the County of Galicia, Alphonse RuedaIn turn, Moreno made his intentions clear when he arrived at the door of the Moncloa Palace with a folder in his hand that read “Andalusia, for equality”.

After an hour and a half of meeting, at the press conference that followed, Moreno justified his refusal of this formula by considering that “Andalusia would be the great pagan of this quota for the independentists“.

According to him, his main duty as president must be “to generate cohesion among Spaniards and redistribute wealth.” However, what this quota does is “weaken Spain and that is why the independentists demand it“.

The Andalusian president insisted that “Andalusia will be the big loser“If this model comes to fruition, it would lose 6 billion euros and the system up to 32,000.

Pedro Sánchez’s response, according to Moreno, was to look for “a formula so that the communities do not lose” and, if so, Andalusia has sufficient resources, but without specifying any in particular.

In this way, the Andalusian president did not deviate for a single moment from the agreement reached on September 6 by all the regional presidents of the PP, in a meeting with their leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to “renounce a misleading bilaterality in the regional financing system.”

Asked if he had spoken with Sánchez about debt cancellation, Moreno confirmed that he had not received any specific offer at that meeting.

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