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HomeIn China, an official brought dozens of lovers to work

In China, an official brought dozens of lovers to work

The defendant in a high-profile court case in China was former governor and deputy party secretary of Qiannan prefecture in Guizhou province, Zhong Yang, who, using her official position, had 58 love affairs.

This was reported by the South China Morning Post.

The official was sentenced to 13 years in prison and fined 1 million yuan, or about $140,000, for a variety of misconduct, including having sex with 58 subordinates and accepting bribes of about 60 million yuan, or $8.5 million.

Zhong Yang, 52, is known to have grown up in a simple family, studied history at university and then, at the age of 22, joined the ranks of the Chinese Communist Party. He eventually became a member of the National People’s Congress (NPC).

She was often called the “beautiful governor” by the media due to her attractive appearance. Zhong never married and had no children. She was known for her success in farming. However, it soon became clear that she used her official position to accept bribes and secure lucrative contracts for certain companies under the pretext of government investments.

In particular, he approved the construction of 170 thousand square meters in a high-tech zone for a businessman with whom he had a close relationship. At the same time, he refused contracts to those who were not part of his social circle.

Zhong Yang initiated affairs with his subordinates and spent time with them, citing so-called “extra jobs” and “business trips.” Some men agreed to be his partners for the advantages they offered, others out of fear of his power.

On Chinese social media site Weibo, commentators noted that Zhong’s parents were probably the most disappointed. One user wrote: “I feel sorry for his poor parents. I can only imagine how sad and heartbroken they must be.”

Recall that Cursor wrote that American billionaire Elon Musk became the object of attention of the US Secret Service after he joked on a social network about attempts on the lives of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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