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“My daughter was right to drag me into this. I got slapped in the face.”

SIf parents suggested to their teenage children that they go together to see a movie in which the main character advises them to spend less time on their phones, go outside to play, and remember to throw their trash in the bin, it’s a safe bet that they would take wind of the moment. Interestingly, it was on the advice of their children that these same parents largely participated in the phenomenon. Kaizen: A year to climb Everest, the video by YouTuber Inoxtag, uploaded to the network on Saturday, September 14 at 2:30 p.m., which recorded more than eighteen million views in just a few hours.

Intrigued by the idea that their offspring insist on recommending them a movie – it doesn’t happen every day – that invites them, precisely, to stay away from the screens. The 22-year-old YouTuber recounts his ascent of Everest, a challenge that pushes him to question life ” online “ and in real life, and who repeats that “The mountain, little by little, you can climb it” (with the mountain in the role of a mountain metaphor).

Imagine the excitement of parents who find themselves listening to speeches that are probably their own and discover that their son’s hero launches into a declaration of love to his darlings once he reaches the summit. More than an adventure in the Himalayas, Kaizen It turns out to be a real feel-good movie for parents. So much so that on YouTube, the comments come mostly from parents who are upset about both the movie and the family experience.

How do we recognize them?

They watched the movie with their children, who had sometimes already watched it without them. Generally, when they see messages that talk about “to surpass oneself”, They are posted by colleagues on LinkedIn. In a film recommended by their children, it is even more delicious. They loved the moment when Inoxtag goes to dinner with his father and records his advice, before communicating it to him on the mountain. They nodded with their children when they heard “Life is made of learning” EITHER “The important thing is to be better than yesterday” And he pretended to hear this kind of statement for the first time.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Inoxtag on Everest, a viral documentary that recalls the pollution of the highest mountain in the world

Listening to the YouTuber’s father say “I’m here to push you up and hold you” They understood that they were watching a parenting program. They resisted the urge to whisper “what did I say to you” when Inoxtag said “You shouldn’t stay behind the screens scrolling.” They are delighted to have heard their children say that they were determined to give their all to their projects, telling themselves that they just have to find projects. They are convinced that all the advice in the film was aimed at Generation Z, but they wonder who the Credit Agricole ad “You are not married to your first job” was aimed at. The next day they went for a half-hour run.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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