Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 11:04 pm
HomeLatest NewsAndalusia has received 3,754 women and girls in the service providing assistance...

Andalusia has received 3,754 women and girls in the service providing assistance to victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation.

This Monday, September 23, commemorates the International Day Against Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking of Women, Girls and Boys. The Ministry of Social Inclusion, Youth, Family and Equality, through the Andalusian Institute for Women (IAM), has assisted 3,754 women through the service for the detection and rescue of women and girls victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation. Of the total number of women served since the beginning of this resource, 346 cases of trafficking have been confirmed. This service is operational in the provinces of Almería, Jaén and Málaga.

Since October 2021, a total of 29 routes have been intervened, with 353 establishments, including 80 clubs, 235 apartments, 20 farms and 15 prostitution points located in the middle of the street in the provinces of Almería, Jaén and Málaga. as detailed by the Council in a note. All of these actions have helped 3,754 women, only one of whom was a minor.

Specifically, in Almería, 1,376 women were assisted, of whom 116 were confirmed victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation. In Jaén, assistance was provided to 964 women, of whom 56 were confirmed cases of trafficking. In Malaga, 1,414 women were assisted, of whom 174 were victims of trafficking.

The women treated are of 29 different nationalities, the majority of cases correspond to women from Latin America, North Africa and Eastern Europe. Spanish and Chinese women have also been detected.

Pioneering service

This service aims to ensure the detection and rescue of women and girls who are victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation, as well as, where appropriate, support during the identification process that corresponds to the State security forces.

Its functions are the detection and contact with women and girls who find themselves in a possible situation of sexual exploitation, the complete information and support of victims of this crime to allow their follow-up, as well as attention to emergency situations guaranteeing an immediate response to the requests of victims or by exploiting other resources.

In addition, it includes the orientation towards specialized assistance resources that allow to initiate a process of recovery, protection and integral care of the women and girls placed, as well as to raise awareness among professional groups and citizens about the situation of trafficking in Andalusia. It is not in vain that last year 86 professionals from different fields and 906 students were trained in awareness workshops.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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