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The government and its allies believe that Sánchez will continue to govern even if he does not obtain the approval of the PGE

After the debacle of the vote on the reform of the rent law, still burning, with the vote on the spending cap pending this week and before the difficulty in approving new general state budgets. PNV spokesman Aitor Esteban assures that “the legislatures can remain even if they are not approved. The Government can continue to govern, even if it receives blows from Parliament. He has a big shield. “I don’t see an alternative absolute majority today.”

The PSOE insists on this message. Diana Morant, Minister of Science and Innovation: “I have a lot of trouble understanding this now” We will once again fail to reach an agreement. “People do not understand that they are voting and so we are unable to clarify ourselves to make the country governable,” he said in an interview with InfoLibre.

The president of Extremadura, Maria Guardiola, appeals to this same responsibility, which would go to Moncloa if Sanchez called her, but not to participate, she says, in the budgetary hunger games: “What belongs to each person is negotiated between all. “I am not going to allow us to end up paying Mr. Sánchez’s bill. Bilateralism, in terms of regional financing, is a blow to our Constitution,” he said in an interview with

While the Navarrese president, Maria Chivite, and the Lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, together defended the roots and legal validity of your concert and your agreement Economic: “The systems of consultation and agreement have deep historical roots. They derive from the process of transition towards democracy and constitutional recognition,” they recognized in La Vanguardia.

A concert and an agreement that, in recent hours, have drawn criticism from the former president of Extremadura, Juan Carlos Ibarra: “Those of us who wrote the Constitution have already made a mistake. by accepting the Basque and Navarrese quota. “Let’s not continue to make mistakes by forcing other regions to keep a quota.”

For its part, the PP announced this Sunday that it would present a conciliation law at the end of the month. And Feijoo continues to attack the government of Venezuela. The leader of the popular parties assures that it is The equidistance maintained by the Executive is regrettable.




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