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Fuenlabrada PSOE to propose that centre for unaccompanied migrant minors be named after Ayuso

He Socialist Party of Fuenlabrada will present a motion at the next municipal plenary session in which it will request that the La Cantueña Center for Unaccompanied Migrant Minorsthat the Community plans to open in the municipality, will bear the name of the regional president, Isabel Diaz Ayuso.

The socialists justify this proposal “on recognition of the president’s efforts to make this space located in Fuenlabrada.”

The motion states that the Community of Madrid will make “the largest investment made by the regional government of Fuenlabrada in decades”, in total, 19 million eurosto install this macrocenter in the municipality.

He also emphasizes that the president intends to make Fuenlabrada “the only space in the region for the arrival of these minors.”

In this perspective, the socialists consider that the centre is located in a place “isolated and crowded in which the principles of equality, equity, non-discrimination, uniqueness and solidarity will be impossible to respect,” they said.

Furthermore, according to the Fuenlabrada City Council, it will be built in “a space donated years ago by the City Council for another purpose”, namely for environmental dissemination. A few weeks ago, the City Council approved the return of this land” and, more importantly, it will do so “unilaterally and behind the back of the local government”.

In this sense, remember the motion that the Community of Madrid is considering launching this macrocenter”without call, without appointment, without information and without showing the project or its true intentions.”

The center, the text concludes, “will be the beginning (and one could say the only) legacy that President Isabel Díaz Ayuso will leave to the city of Fuenlabrada.”

At this stage, let us recall that there are currently three legal proceedings open on the occasion of the “unilateral decision of the Community“. Two of them before the administrative litigation courts regarding the cessation of works and the reversion of the Cantueña space, two issues approved by the City Council and appealed by the Community of Madrid.




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