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HomeBreaking NewsMoncloa prepares a plan B for RTVE if Cascajosa's re-election fails and...

Moncloa prepares a plan B for RTVE if Cascajosa’s re-election fails and the council is not renewed

High-tension council meeting to be held this Tuesday at Spanish Radio and Television (RTVE). At 11:15 a.m., the advisers are called to analyze the continuity of the Cascajosa Design as interim president. However, all options are open also in Moncloa (where they are trying to bring together the PP’s positions to renew the board of directors) looking for a plan B which guarantees stability and the government of the Company.

For now, it is expected that this Tuesday there will be a tense debate in which the leader will have to gain support to remain at the head of RTVE. To this end, she will argue that at that time, she This is the only possible alternative to avoid bad governance.In fact, he will use his term as an example that progress can be made by consensus despite the strong divergences that exist within the highest administrative body.

The movements of the last few hours are constant, but for now nothing has been decided. Cascajosa will need five (including yours) council votes. That is, re-edit the same medium it had six months ago with Ramon Colom (PSOE), Roberto Lakidain (Can), Jose Manuel Martin Medem (we can) and Juan Jose Banos (PNV).

Sources consulted by this newspaper explain that there are doubts about the meaning of Martín Medem’s vote. His abstention is not ruled out, and even that he could join his votes with those of the representatives of the Popular Party to end the temporality from Cascajosa.

What if you can’t continue? This is where Pandora’s box opens. All options are on the table, although the one that seems most likely to succeed is to return to a system already known in the house: rotating presidency.

A proposal that the councilors proposed by the PP had already made six months ago, but which was rejected when Cascajosa obtained the majority to win the presidency.

Once again, the balance of power is delicate. To achieve this, Jenaro Castro, Carmen Sastre and Consuelo Aparicio They would need the support of two other advisers. They should succeed in attracting Medem and the former president Elena Sánchez, who was dismissed after proposing the dismissal of the former general director of contents, Jose Pablo Lopez.

The possibilities

From 11:15, a possibly meager future for RTVE will be settled. All the more so if the board of directors does not reach an agreement on governance. In Moncloa, there is concern about what will happen in the Corporation and is already studying different alternatives to ensure that the chaos Don’t take control of everyday life.

What the government wants most is reach an agreement with the Popular Party. Although very sotto voce, Contacts between the two parties – as reported by this newspaper – exist. However, the positions remain very far apart. However, the sources consulted estimate that In the coming weeks there may be some news.

In case this alternative does not bear fruit and a coup d’état is necessary, the Government is already studying with the National Industrial Participation Company (SEPI) what measures to adopt.

Once the figure of the Sole Administrator is removed, the statutes of RTVE will be used to create a figure of management of public radio and television. A kind of manager who would allow governance without bypassing the board of directors. In this way, the mistake made in the appointment Rosa Maria Mateo as sole administrator.

For this new position, the name of the dismissed José Pablo López hovers, who would thus return to RTVE and give continuity to the project he had in mind. For example, there is the arrival of The revolt of David Broncano at TVE evenings. An option that sources close to the journalist radically distance themselves from.

Many uncertainties and few certainties for RTVE. What seems clear is that the coming hours and days will be crucial for its future.




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