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Council denies having made a “box” with the agency and points the finger at the government

A new report from the National Association of Social Service Directors and Managers cRitica that Castilla y León, together with the communities of Galicia and Aragon, have “earned money” with the increase that the State has contributed to dependency as part of its shock plan (2020-2023). And as the document points out, the three territories have used this increase in national funds to “relieve their regional coffers instead of increasing the care of dependent people”. A statement that was categorically rejected yesterday by the Vice-President of the Council and Councilor for Family and Equal Opportunities, Isabel Blanco.

“We cannot agree,” he considered when evaluating the new study, and defended that during the year 2022, Castilla y León “made an effort” of 502 million euros allocated from “its budgets” to pay for the system, while last year, the disbursement of regional funds amounted to 516 million. “On the other hand, the central government is providing 300 million euros,” he noted. And, as he pointed out, if the report also highlights something, it is the “deficit” that the National Executive “continues to have with Castilla y León”, since the legislation stipulates that the financing of the agency must be ensured in equal parts. cent between the autonomies and the State.

“The Community continues to contribute 63 percent,” the councilor defended. A percentage that, according to the document, is among the lowest in the country, ahead of Galicia (59 percent), La Rioja (59) and Andalusia (62) and behind the Basque Country (84) and Navarre (81), which lead the ranking.

The Association of Directors and Managers of Social Services assures in the text that there are three regions that, during the period 2020 to 2023, in which the government increased its contribution under the so-called shock plan, have “decreased spending on care for people in a situation of dependency. According to its calculations, In Castilla y León, this decrease in own financing was 34.7 million euros.6.3 percent; in Galicia, 6.4 million, a decrease of 2.1 percent, and in Aragon, 3.2 million, a decrease of 1.6 percent.

Given these data, Blanco considered that the Community “has been making efforts to improve” care for a long time. In fact, he recalled that the same report published yesterday indicates that Castilla y León is the third with the highest investment per inhabitant in dependency, with 342.6 euros, behind the Basque Country (428.5) and Extremadura (378.6). In addition, the Community is in sixth place in terms of investment per potentially dependent person, with 1,967 euros, while the State average is 1,815 euros.We have no waiting lists and are leaders in providing addiction services.“, as the Association of Directors has clearly stated on other occasions in its reports,” insisted the vice-president of the Council, who denied that Castilla y León “makes money” with the dependency system.

He also assured that he would continue to demand that the Government contribute the 50 percent required by law and “fair financing” to “continue providing quality care to the dependency that we currently have.” In the year in which the Dependency Law matures, the state association denounces the non-compliance of public administrations that have transformed subjective rights into “ephemeral and paper.” In this sense, it is recalled that it is a policy of interest to citizens.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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