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Vox requests in a motion that the Council be urged to declare the Corpus Christi of Toledo a Property of Cultural Interest (BIC)

The Vox Municipal Group will present a motion at the next ordinary plenary session of the City Council so that the Council of Communities resumes the file started ten years ago to declare the Cultural Interest of Corpus Christi (BIC), a recognition that the celebrations of this event have obtained.

Vox spokesperson at the Toledo City Hall, Juan MarinThe motion stresses that the purpose of these procedures was none other than to grant maximum protection to the Corpus Christi of Toledo “in order to safeguard its cultural values ​​and to recognize in an indisputable manner that this festival is part of our cultural heritage.”

In the motion, the spokesperson recalls that “the City Council of Toledo asked the Community Council to recognize our Corpus Christi as an Asset of Cultural Interest”, after which in 2014 the regional administration began procedures in a file in which other places were also included such as Camuñas, Lagartera, Valverde de los Arroyos, Porzuna or Elche de la Sierra“.

“It was on May 23, 2017 that the Government Council of Castilla-La Mancha agreed to declare the Corpus Christi festivities of the municipalities mentioned above as Assets of Cultural Interest, with the category of Intangible Assets, a decision that was published in the Official Gazette on June 2, 2017.

Nothing is known about the process to promote the recognition and protection of the Corpus of Toledo since 2014, which indicates that “this issue has been forgotten by the competent organizations,” says Marín.

For Vox, it is “of capital importance” to declare Property of Cultural Interest with the category of Intangible Property, the Corpus of Toledowhich is already a Festival of International Tourist Interest, “since our Corpus transcends what it represents as a religious manifestation to become a symbol of our cultural identity as a city, with streets decorated with unique decorations, a unique atmosphere and the parade of a work of art like the Custody of Arfe.

From Vox, the motion asks that the municipal plenary session agree to urge the Council to restart This file which began in 2014 and this concluded positively for the Corpus of other localities, or to start another new one whose objective is the declaration of the BIC in the Corpus of Toledo.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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