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HomeBreaking NewsPP takes stock of the first 300 days of "this failed legislature"

PP takes stock of the first 300 days of “this failed legislature”

The PP spokesman in Congress presented the balance sheet of the “the first 300 days of this failed legislature”since Pedro Sánchez was sworn in as President of the Government on November 16, 2023. Miguel Tellado appeared before the Congress of Deputies after the Spokespersons Commission posed with a document prepared in the popular offices that gathers “all the scandals of Sánchez” [Documento en PDF].

The report brings together “cases of corruption of the government, the PSOE and the personal environment of the president.” But also, “Lies and electoral fraud” from Moncloa since, according to Tellado, “nothing that your government included in its program, quite the contrary, was in reality.”

Among these latter things, “the concessions to the independentists“, like the one that is underway this week. This Tuesday morning, the Government announced that it was withdrawing the vote on the path to stability from the agenda of the plenary session of Congress, just after ” Beggar Carles Puigdemont in Switzerland“the seven votes needed to implement the most important law of the political course.

Because the 35-page document “wants to combat the lack of memory with which Sánchez wants to overwhelm citizens.” That is, “Let one scandal hide another and thus remain in power a little longer”.

Therefore, the same document includes “the resounding legislative failures” of the Executive, like that of the Trans lawwho tried to “correct the mistakes of the “Only yes means yes”“…or even more, the Parity Actwhich allowed the dismissal of workers who had benefited from the conciliation measures.

Other “scandals” are included, for example, “the colonization of institutions, the appointment of Sánchez’s servants”, with examples such as the embassies to the UN (the former minister Hector Gomez), UNESCO (former minister Michael Iceta) and the OECD (the former president of the Valencian Community Ximo Puig)…the IEC of Jose Felix Tezanosthat of Cascajosa Design on RTVE, or the latest from the Bank of Spain, with the former minister Jose Luis Escrivá.

The PP also denounces “the partisan use of public services”, with a star, that of Begoña Gomezwhich he cites not only for the allegations of business corruption and influence peddling that Judge Peinado is investigating, but also for “the closure of a private RTVE factory” of the president’s wife, where “he recorded a podcast which he used to promote his professorship.

For the PP, these are cases of “waste and opacity” and “continuous and repeated lies” on the part of members of the Government. And it also cites the second vice-president, Yolanda Diazwho did not “explain by what public means he went to Paris to present an OECD report subsidized by his ministry to the tune of 150,000 euros.”

Or the “public competition of 405,000 euros” organized by the Provincial Council of Badajoz “for the opera of the brother of the President of the Government, David Sanchez“.

Judges and journalists

For the most popular, the problem of this government is that “its investiture majority has never been a majority in Congress.” And “his strategy of governing without parliament is not going down well”because Puigdemont has tied him up. “That is why it is a government more devoted to its survival than to the management of Spain, more to its interests than to those of the Spanish people.”

And to survive, Tellado says, “he is trying to make the media the main deficit of democracy.”

That is to say that “Sanchez dreams of becoming the new leader of Spain” and that is why he wants to censor those who control him, both the press and Congress: “And that is a nightmare for democracy“, says the PP spokesman.

“The ministers do not come to the control sessions, and the journalists who publish their scandals are pointed out so that the citizens believe that since the media lies, it is Sánchez who is right.” For Tellado, “the ideal democracy of this president in decline “This is a situation in which he can remain in power without criticism or obstacles.”

This is why the document presented this Tuesday includes “attacks on judges and independent journalists”like the complaint filed by Sánchez against the judge investigating his wife – “using another public means”, like the prosecution, insists the PP, another “colonized” institution -. Or the preparation “Secretly” Ferraz “campaign against judges and journalists” to cover the Begoña case“.

And that is why he brings together the many votes lost by the government in the Cortes or the “dozens of mandates” of the Congress to which “the government does not deal, ignoring the majority“.

As the refusal of lowering the personal income tax rate, approved in the Lower House; the refusal to establish a common EBAU in all the Autonomous Communities, or the equalization of the salaries of police officers and civil guards with the regional police forces… or the failure of the Minimum living income (IMV) or the Social Bonus: the first “does not reach two out of three homes”and the Social bonus: “nearly 8 out of 10 potential beneficiaries do not receive it”.




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