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They open a file on the police officer arrested for the crime of the former PP doctor candidate in Roquetas

The General Directorate of the National Police opened a disciplinary file to the officer assigned to the El Ejido police station who was arrested last week for the homicide of Doctor Rafael Piorno FermosellePP candidate in the last municipal elections to the Municipal Council of Sea rocks (Almeria). The doctor was found tied up and stabbed in his house in Aguadulce.

This was confirmed in statements to the media by the Government Delegate in Andalusia, Pedro Fernandezwho indicated to media questions that the said file – which could lead to the expulsion of the accused person from the police force – was opened “parallel” to the arrest and he was placed in pre-trial detention, communicated and without bail for the agent until the facts are clarified, therefore It will be final when there is an inculpatory sentence..

In this sense, the delegate explained that there is a regulation in the Police of disciplinary regime “fully regulated” which includes minor, serious and very serious offences that can be committed and the penalties that accompany them, which “can go as far as separation of service “immediately.”

Everything we know about the crime

The first signs of the investigation of the Judicial Police of the Civil Guard designates the police officer as the alleged leader of the operationwhich would have in cahoots with an ex-convict to commit a robbery that turned out to be fatal. The doctor had private consultations at his home and the detained officer had been his patient for some years.

Rafael Piorno’s body was found at his home on August 25, two days after the incident. He was 76 years old. He was tied with a bridle and had three stab wounds.

Rafael Piorno Fermoselle.

The policeman knew Rafael Piorno’s routines and schedules in detail. As did the doctor he had his house for salelocated on Enrique Granados Street in the Aguadulce neighborhood. He decides to plan a robbery and contacts his friend, a former drug addict prisoner residing in Leon.

The former prisoner went to Roquetas expressly to pretend to be someone interested in buying the house. He returned home alone and, around 3:45 p.m., knocked on the door. Once inside, he attacked the doctor with a taser gun and after a struggle he ended up stabbing him with a knife with which the victim tried to defend himself. He stabbed him up to three times, in the neck and at shoulder height.

The alleged murderer contacted the police officer via walkie-talkie and told him what had happened. Rafael Piorno was still aliveThe leader showed up at the house wearing a wig so as not to be recognized by the doctor and between the two They tied up the victim with a bridle. The doctor died shortly afterwards, without the possibility of asking for help.

Before the escape, the policeman and his partner tried to eliminate the evidence. I was waiting in the street a third person, the police officer’s spousewith a van parked nearby. His idea was to sleep in a hostel and go to León the next day but, according to the information Fourraised serious suspicions by leaving blood stains on sheets and towels from the room they were staying in.

As part of the investigation, recordings at the homes of the people allegedly involved, in León and Roquetas, and in a premises in Almería rented by the police where various effects related to the events were found, such as: a wig and a taser.

Taking into account these indications and the evidence gathered, as well as the detainees’ own statements, the president of the Court of First Instance and Investigation No. 1 of Roquetas de Mar ordered last Thursday the entry of the police officer and his accomplice into provisional prisondenounced and without bail for the crimes of homicide and robbery with violencepending more refined instruction.

The judge has left provisional release to the police officer’s companion – the van used after the crime is in his name – but he is forbidden from leaving the national territory and is forced to surrender his passport. The investigation remains open.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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