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Mañueco exploits “the PSOE-Vox clamp” and Gallardo asks him to “come to his senses”

Second face to face in the Courts of Castile and Leon among those who were colleagues of the autonomous government and that since July, following a divorce, they have become political rivals. On this occasion – the first one was a fortnight ago and it was a first trial – there were many reproaches between the President of the Council, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, and the spokesperson for Vox in Parliament and former vice-president, Juan Garcia-Gallardo.

The reason for this was this Tuesday the bill of concord that PP and Vox presented in April and which the popular party ended up abandoning but which tomorrow will be submitted to the plenary session to debate on its consideration. This parliamentary initiative, which was one of Abascal’s priorities, reaches the House because he wanted it that way. not only Vox, but also the PSOE, who supported this procedure at the Table of Cortes last week.

A fact that allowed Mañueco to reproach Gallardo for his training “attacks the PP by repressing the PSOE; “is not the wrong opponent”, since the proposal of Vox “comes from the socialist hand, which confirms that Politics makes strange bedfellows bed and it seems that now they both love it. Lawyer Francisco Igea, also a former vice president, received similar criticism, although changing the subject, when he asked about the same issue.

Mañueco disfigured his “Vox proposal approach”, given that the former deputy of Ciudadanos has accepted, like the rest of the opposition, that the rule of the agreement be debated in the Autonomous Chamber. The fact is that Gallardo and Igea tried this Tuesday to get the President of the Council to pronounce on the controversial proposalI wish this had fallen on deaf ears because the person being interviewed evaded the answers and didn’t go beyond that. defend the request for advice to the Advisory Council that the PP did last week under the argument that it is necessary to “do things well and with guarantees.

From there, he took the opportunity to settle scores with García-Gallardo and reproach him for his departure from the regional executive. “Don’t worry because without you Castilla y León works” he said to him and made him sad for not having “kept his word because they forced him to resign and I had to run away“, so he asked him “not to blame others for what he left unfinished.”

“Be brave”

“Be brave and put the interests of Castilla y León to those of his party,” he concluded. The Vox spokesman defended himself against Mañueco’s accusations, reminding him that in the proposed law of concord, “There is the seal of the PP, not of the PSOE” and assured that “Castilla y León “You deserve a president who doesn’t lie.” only to later accuse him of “disguising cowardice as moderation” and of being “a white label version of Juan Vicente Herrera”, in reference to the man who was chairman of the Board for 20 years.

Gallardo ended up encouraging Mañueco to “to rectify, to find reason” and let us follow the example of other PP presidents, such as those of Aragon and Valencia, who have continued to adopt concord laws similar to those of Castilla y León.

The debate between Igea and the President of the Council was not entirely friendly and cordial either. The former wanted a yes or no answer to the question of whether he would keep theArguments in defense of the law what the second one said months ago. He did not succeed, but he was criticized by his interlocutor for having “spoken of harmony when He didn’t want to go and agree and talk“, recalling that he did not respond to his call when he summoned all the parties in search of community agreements.

The lawyer for the Mixed Group cited some of Mañueco’s actions during his term as Mayor of Salamanca and he even named his father, which greatly upset the President of the Council who asked him “not to alter” his “history as mayor”.

In the control questions they posed to the advisers, those of Abascal continued to attack their previous government partners on the basis of some of their more ideological postulates.


Thus, the Leonese Miguel Suarez asked the Minister of Industry for measures to defend the auto workerswhich served to accuse the popular people of the closure of mining, of the Garoña power plant and, moreover, of the fall of the law of concord.

“Lose all hope if you have to believe the PP’s words”he said, earning Leticia García’s regret for having “opened a debate about being or not being” and for having moved away from the automobile issue. Later, David Hierro questioned the vice president and family advisor, Isabelle Blancoif it were to continue to fund “organizations that promote “the pull effect of illegal immigration.”

The answer was a resounding yes because ““They have our full recognition and support.” and confirmed that Castilla y León “will continue to welcome unaccompanied minors.” “Don’t go taking pictures with Ms. Meloni pretending that you are going to fight illegal immigration,” replied the Vox man, recalling Feijóo’s trip to Italy.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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