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Sánchez avoids talking about his internal difficulties and boasts that Spain is living “some of its best moments”

Pedro Sánchez has decided to publicly forget, during his visit to New York on the occasion of the UN General Assembly, the serious internal difficulties that his mandate is facing. On his second day in the North American city, the President of the Government avoided mentioning his own decision, taken this Tuesday after the Council of Ministers, to postpone the vote on the deficit path (first step to approve the General State Budgets). . which was going to take place this Thursday in the Congress of Deputies, and as happened just before the summer, it was doomed to failure due to the rejection of Junts per Catalunya.

If the spokesperson of the Executive, Pilar Alegría, chose to blame the Popular Party (PP) for the situation, asking those of Alberto Núñez Feijóo for the support that those of Puigdemont, his main partner in the investiture, deny him, Sánchez did not even make that effort. In a forum organized by “El País”, before his bilateral dialogue at the UN with the President of Brazil, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, the head of the Executive gave a speech in which he sang the excellence of an economic situation, Spain, which, according to him, “is living one of the best moments of the last decades”, ruled bluntly.

In a relaxed tone, and referring to the fact that he was abroad, Sánchez said that “it is often difficult to say, because the Spanish character is like that, I think that, given that we are outside of Spain, and that is when we usually have [los españoles] “We must speak well of Spain, because it is exactly what it seems to be, it is the success of a country that we should all be very proud of,” he concluded.



Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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