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HomeBreaking NewsOscar Puente, failed in the Senate even by his government partners

Oscar Puente, failed in the Senate even by his government partners

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Everyone against Oscar Puente. Even the government partners have not forgiven him for the chaos that the railway is experiencing in Spain and his constant challenges on social networks. Thus, today, the plenary of the Senate approved a motion of the PP to disapprove the Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility.

Of course, he won the votes of the PP, but other groups such as Vox, Junts per Catalunya and ERC also joined him, the latter two groups being partners in Pedro Sánchez’s government.

In defense of this initiative, PP senator Carmen López Zapata denounced that Puente has “a role very far from that required by his position” and criticized, for example, the fact that he insulted and threatened a journalist.

His behavior on social media, which caused a crisis with Argentina, was also recalled (and criticized), as was his involvement in the “Koldo case” and the “disastrous” management of the railway system. Finally, he indicated that “he puts his interests and his personal image before the real responsibilities of his position.”

On behalf of Junts, which has requested that the disapproval be extended to all the Ministers of Transport of the PP and PSOE governments, Eduard Pujol denounced that “Rodalies is a bad dream” and that “the reliability of the AVE is beginning to weaken” due to “the Bermuda Triangle formed by the Ministry, Renfe and Adif.

It is worth remembering that Puente said that “the train in Spain is living the best moment in its history”, a statement he has reiterated on several occasions in Congress and the Senate.

He also voted in favor of disapproving the ERC, although Senator Laura Castell criticized that “when there is chaos in Madrid, Spain burns, while when it happens in Catalonia, decades can pass.” In fact, he said the motion illustrates “the Madrid centrism of Spanish politics.”




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