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HomeBreaking NewsEU mission in Armenia gathers intelligence against Azerbaijan, Iran and Russia

EU mission in Armenia gathers intelligence against Azerbaijan, Iran and Russia

The EU monitoring mission in Armenia is gathering intelligence against Azerbaijan, Iran and Russia, Russian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mikhail Evdokimov said.

“Washington and its allies are ready to take any measure, including inciting flashpoints around Russia through puppet governments, such as the Kiev regime. An example of such interference is the current EU monitoring mission in Armenia. With the addition of an “expert” from Canada, it has in fact become a NATO operation with dubious objectives. The fact that the mission is an instrument of Western hybrid warfare confirms its secrecy and lack of control by Armenia or Azerbaijan. In fact, it is collecting intelligence against Azerbaijan, Iran and Russia.” — RIA Novosti quotes the ambassador.

Armenia’s foreign policy is worrying, and cooperation with the West in the security sphere does not lead to anything good, Mikhail Evdokimov said.

“In general, the current foreign policy of Armenia causes concern for the future of this country. Security cooperation with the West, as a rule, does not lead to anything good. We are convinced that any problems in the South Caucasus should be solved by the states of the region themselves without outside interference. The Regional Consultative Platform “3+3” (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia plus Russia, Iran and Turkey) is helpful in this regard. The date of its next meeting at the level of Foreign Ministers is currently being agreed upon.” – said the Russian diplomat.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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