Friday, September 20, 2024 - 2:14 pm
HomeTop Stories"They were waiting to see if I would pick up a pineapple...

“They were waiting to see if I would pick up a pineapple to register me”

Sevillestates that the question of flirting time at Mercadona is one of the best unintentional ad campaigns that we have seen for a long time. “It has been the week of Mercadona and pineapple,” says the singer of Mojinos Escozíos. “You have to go where the news is, and it’s not that I went looking for the news, I went because I go to Mercadona to buy,” says Seville, who goes on to tell what he was able to see with his own eyes in the supermarket.

“Yesterday I felt intimidated, I felt like I was being watched since I parked the car. When I was picking up the car, there was a woman who was looking at me as if to say: what are you doing here all alone,” he says and continues to tell the anecdote. “When I entered through the door, the cashiers looked at me“Yesterday there were more men and women alone with their cars, more dressed than necessary,” explains the employee.

“You’re driving away and suddenly someone hits you, which is normal, but now the look is penetrating“, he said. Sevilla says that when he passed by the pineapple aisle, people would wait to see if he had picked a pineapple or not to record the moment with their cell phones.

In conclusion, Seville gave his opinion on the opportune moment to flirt with the rest of the supermarkets that have “caught the train” of this trend.“Everyone signs up for this wonderful marketing that cost Mercadona 0 centssetting their hours for flirting that do not coincide with those of Mercadona,” he thinks.




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