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HomeTop StoriesThe Junts Budget Plan benefits Madrid, Catalonia and Andalusia

The Junts Budget Plan benefits Madrid, Catalonia and Andalusia

The change in budgetary trajectory for 2025 that Junts is seeking to impose on the government will have repercussions on all common regime autonomy, beyond Catalonia, whether the pro-independence party likes it or not. Raising the regional deficit ceiling to 0.8% of GDP, compared to the 0.1% currently established, necessarily favors a greater margin of spending for the three territories with the most economic weight: Madrid, Catalonia itself same and Andalusia, with a additional budgetary margin of between 1,090 million and 2,270 million.

In the case of the Generalitat, it can count on an extraordinary budgetary margin of up to 2,200 million euros in 2025, if Junts manages to promote the proposal for ceilings that it has sent to the government to “evaluate” the support of a new path to stability. , and unblock – thus – the processing of the draft Budget 2025 Assume the request of. postconvergentwould also require the State to assume an adjustment of 12 billion million for next year alone, as calculated by the director of Fedea, Ángel de la Fuente.

Catalonia would not be the only one to benefit if Junts managed to win his case. The Community of Madrid would be the region that would see its spending capacity grow the most. It could obtain more than 2.2 billion euros more in 2025. Others, like Andalusia and Valencia, would scrape more than 1,000 million euros. In fact, four of the five most favored regions are governed by the Popular Party, although those of Núñez Feijóo maintain their refusal to negotiate a new path and accuse the first vice-president, María Jesús Montero, of receiving “instructions”. of Puigdemont in Switzerland, where the last meeting between the former president and the number three of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán. For their part, Galicia and Castilla y León would obtain more than 500 million euros, the rest would be between 100 and 300 million euros. In his initial plan, Montero proposed deploying €12 billion in additional spending capacity for the CCAA and municipalities over the next two years. This proposal also placed Madrid and Catalonia as the regions that would add the most millions to their budgetary margin, being the two with the largest volume of GDP in Spain.

At least two weeks away, and although the government considers it possible to increase the budgetary margin, the positions on both sides of the discussion table are very divergent. Moncloa considers that the figure proposed by Junts is excessive and will propose stability objectives closer to -0.1%. The independence party also suggested that it could soften its proposal, which it considers for the moment to be “a good basis”. “If things are happening now, it’s because Junts has maintained his position”» boasted the group’s congressional spokesperson, Miriam Nogueras, in an interview with Be on chain.

The truth is that the Puigdemont team managed to score the the budgetary agenda, which will only start when the ERC and the Junts hold their congressesas Sánchez predicted yesterday. THE postconvergent They summoned their bases at the end of October; The Republicans will meet at the end of November. If this is the case, Moncloa will have barely a month to process the accounts.

In addition, Bildu and the BNG will seek to put their stamp on the new roadmap. They also demand – like Junts – greater room for maneuver for municipal councils. “We all want more,” Galician nationalist spokesperson Néstor Rego said yesterday. “We think it’s a good opportunity not to be missed,” said Bildu’s Mertxe Aizpurua. Others, like ERC, criticized the maneuver initiated by Montero. “If Junts cared so much about the financing of Catalonia, they would vote in favor of the financing agreement in Catalonia. This is blackmail from the Catalan right,” criticized Gabriel Rufián.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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