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HomeDe-Hezbolization has begun in Lebanon – video

De-Hezbolization has begun in Lebanon – video

However, local residents oppose their presence and demand the removal of Hezbollah symbols and portraits of its leader Hassan Nasrallah. Local residents loudly express their discontent, shouting:

“Leave Tripoli with your weapons and do not enter the city with photographs of Nasrallah and Hezbollah.”

Previously, Kursor reported that Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah actively promoted the idea of ​​uniting fronts, arguing that the escalation of the conflict in Gaza would imply a conflict in Lebanon. However, Israeli actions, including targeted attacks on Hezbollah commanders and infrastructure and the discovery of missile caches hidden in residential buildings, have shown that this strategy has failed.

Despite provocations such as the rocket fire at Tel Aviv, Hezbollah has so far refrained from a large-scale military offensive, fearing devastating consequences for both Lebanon and the organization itself. Under these conditions, Israel can deliver a decisive blow while Hezbollah remains vulnerable.

International actors such as the United States and France are calling for a diplomatic solution to the conflict, suggesting the implementation of UN Resolution 1701, which could help push Hezbollah beyond the Litani River and establish long-term peace.

In addition, internal changes in Iran, Hezbollah’s main sponsor, could affect the balance of power in the region. The rise to power of reformist President Masoud Pazkhian could signal a possible policy shift for Tehran as it seeks to ease sanctions and restart nuclear negotiations. Under these conditions, Iran is not interested in a multi-front conflict, which gives Israel a temporary advantage.

Thus, the current situation in the Middle East shows that Israel was able not only to thwart Hezbollah’s plans, but also to change the strategic balance of power in the region. However, the future remains uncertain and much depends on the future actions of Iran, Hezbollah and international mediators.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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