Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 3:02 am
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“They only think about themselves”

The leader of the PSC and president of the Generalitat, Salvador Illaspoke this Saturday at the National Council of Catalan Socialists and accused the People’s Partywhom he accuses of “not caring about Spain”.

Illa criticized the “popular” for criticizing the agreement between the CPS and Esquerra Republicana approve a single financing system for Catalonia while they carry out massive tax cuts “for those who have the most” in the autonomous communities in which they govern.

“There is a model, that of those who talk a lot but do little, who cut public services, who They have a selfish approach of only thinking about themselves and, on top of that, they want us, with our contributions to the funding model, to finance their cuts. that they tax the richest,” Salvador Illa said.

He criticizes the PP for its “selfish approaches”

This model, assures Illa, is based on “cuts in public services” within the framework of the CCAA to respond to tax reductions on the highest incomes: “With their selfish approaches, they want us to finance the cuts what they do to the rich and the richest. all. They aim to teach lessons of equality“.

The president of the Generalitat also criticized the opposition leader, Alberto Nuñez Feijóoof which he assures that “if he cared about Spain, he would celebrate normalization in Catalonia”. “If you cared (Spain), you would do a little more, you would collaborate in the normalization of Catalonia and you would not use Catalonia, as you still do, to obtain a handful of votes in certain territories”, underlined Illa, in reference to the leadership of the PP.

“The PP puts its interests before citizens”

The President of the Generalitat also criticized the refusal of the Popular Party to approve the deficit ceiling which was to be debated this week in the Congress of Deputies, and assures that he is doing it to achieve “the pure and simple conquest of power“.

“What is wrong with providing more resources to autonomous communities and municipalities, more resources through general state budgets to all citizens?” Illa asked rhetorically.

“Well, they vote no, They put the interests of their political party ahead of those of citizens.. What a policy of the PP, which puts the interests of its party before those of all citizens, so that it leads nowhere!”, concluded Salvador Illa.




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