Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 12:01 pm
HomeLatest NewsFrom servants to masters of the PSOE

From servants to masters of the PSOE

I met Pepe Blanco when he was an eternal law student, an eminent leader of socialist youth, and he participated in the PSG executives, without voting, by drawing up the minutes. Óscar López and Antonio Hernando, recently appointed minister and secretary of state, responsible for the digitization and distribution of millions of euros for this purpose, were employed under Blanco in the organizational secretariat that he directed, after the extraordinary congress that brought together Zapatero and Blanco. in power in the PSOE, after the resignation of Almunia, these three people have a common characteristic, they were employed in the service of the party and, from these positions of trust, ended up leading the party first and then l ‘State. This caste arising from the power apparatus itself is known as bureaucrats. They reproduce endogamously, that is to say they choose their successors in such a way that the structures they administer are not permeable to society. Instead of merit, people are selected by affinity and obedience, so that in the end it is not the general interests that are defended, but rather the bureaucracy which defends its own interests regardless of needs and demands. of the society or party to which they should serve. They have gone from servants to masters and the servants they appoint and shape, if we let them, will be the owners of our future. Hernando will now distribute millions of euros between the companies that Blanco represents, from his company Acento. Hernando was also one of the founders of this procurement agency which, through VAT invoices, represents the interests of companies that depend in one way or another on the administration. Sánchez was also an employee of Blanco and a colleague of López and Hernando, from there he became a councilor and in the assembly of Cajamadrid, deputy, and in Moncloa where he recovered his colleagues with whom he worked as cabinet directors. For Blanco, all this is legal, but it does not seem good to me either for society, nor for my former party, nor for the democratic system. If we allow bureaucrats to take root and consolidate bureaucracy as a caste, we will put the political system of our democracy in an even worse situation. In time we will see.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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