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The third day of the Patriotic War: the enemy’s anti-aircraft missile system “S-300” is disabled

September 29, 2020: third day of the Azerbaijan liberation war. Historical justice is restored thanks to the strength and power of our army. The counteroffensive operation continues for the liberation of our lands held by the enemy. Powerless in the face of the attacks of the Azerbaijani army, the Armenian leaders and army continue to confuse the domestic audience and the international community by spreading various misinformation.

Oku.Az recalls that on the third day of the war, the Armenian armed forces shelled the Dashkasan district from the Basarkecher district. As a result of heavy enemy artillery shelling of civilian populated areas, a villager was killed by shrapnel from a shell that hit the medical station in the village of Garadagli, Aghdam, the station building was destroyed and residents from the area were evacuated. Overall, in the first three days of the war, the number of victims of Armenian terrorism among civilians reached 12, and 35 people suffered physical injuries of various degrees. 66 settlements and eight civilian facilities were destroyed and numerous small animals and cattle were lost.

In response to enemy provocations, Azerbaijani army units destroyed enemy manpower, military objects and combat equipment. An enemy anti-aircraft missile system “S-300” was disabled in the village of Shusha, Khojaly region.

However, our successes continued not only on the battlefield, but also on the diplomatic and information front. Thus, on September 29, the program “60 Minutes” on the “Russia-1” television channel was aired, dedicated to the recent events on the Azerbaijan-Armenia contact line. President of Azerbaijan in the program. Ilham Aliyev and the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, answered the presenters’ questions. President Ilham Aliyev responded to the presenters’ questions with facts, while Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan responded with false and false accusations and, to be more precise, put himself in a clearly helpless situation. This was remembered as another celebration of our victory on the third day of the war.

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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