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“I missed my sister’s wedding for nothing”

The candidates of the oppositions concerned expressed this Sunday their “indignation and frustration” for the postponement of the exam planned for the RTVE informant test because the questions had leaked, 22 years after the last exam carried out by the public channel.

THE 5,028 opponents For the theoretical test of Information and Content, out of just over 21,000 registered in all categories, they were scheduled at 11:00 a.m. in different faculties of the Somosaguas campus of the Complutense University of Madrid.

I have been involved for three yearsI missed my sister’s wedding yesterday for nothing, an hour before the exam. This is great,” said one user x allegedly affected by the cancellation of the exam.

“If there is corruption within the company let them say it openlythat they have an objection process for people inside and another for people outside,” commented another person who was going to take the exam today.

She was not the only one to voice her complaints to the media, another opponent said from the campus where the exam was to take place: “I find it embarrassing that there was a leak, I think that here we are all waiting to be able to take the exam and have a job and that there are people whose questions are leaking, it is scandalous.

“Many of us come from outside the peninsula, I come from Melilla and there are people from Ceuta and the Canary Islands. And now what happens to the plane tickets we bought? because they’re not really cheap,” said another woman when asked about the test being canceled due to question leaks.

Just 3 minutes

To everyone’s outrage at having spent so much time preparing for an exam, just three minutes after starting it, they received an email from RTVE in which they were informed of the suspension of the test, due, according to the unions, to a leak of 83 percent questions, according to the unions.

“Outrage. Nothing is respected, when there should be rigor and security. This outrages me,” confessed Benito Pérez, 25, in statements to Efe to show their discomfort with what happened, into which RTVE has opened an investigation.

According to him, there are people who have been preparing for years for the opposition, who He hasn’t been called up since 2007and now they see how uncertainty takes over the process. “It’s a shame,” said Benito, a candidate for one of 474 informant positions.

“It’s very frustrating. Especially for people who have been preparing for this opposition for so long and who don’t have an answer as to when they will be summoned again,” he said in statements to Efe Andreína Pérez, who came from Barcelona to take the exam.

Andreína is one of the many candidates who traveled to Madrid this weekend, like others who did so from different parts of Spain and countries in Europe and Latin America.

Reimbursement of expenses

The candidates They are waiting for information whether they will pay accommodation costs and transportation of those who came from outside the capital.

CCOO of RTVE demanded reimbursement of expenses incurred and asked those affected to keep receipts and invoices.

The UGT, in another press release, also asked the management of the public entity to pay “all expenses generated by the candidates”, even without having proof.

Irene Santamaría, deputy editor at 24 hour channelsaid what happened “is unforgivable.” “I am extremely ashamed of the people who are part of the company and disclosed the exams. We don’t deserve this,” he complained. x..

Patricia, 26 years old and on a fixed-term contract at RNE, expressed her “anger and sadness” at this postponement.

He said the process should be stopped when there are suspicions of irregularities, although he asked “how such a high percentage of questions could have been disclosed.”

“It would have been better if it had been this way, because if the exam had been taken and would have been canceled after knowing the gradesit would have been worse. “In the bad parts, we did well,” said Juan, 36, who also has a permanent contract with public radio.

David, another temp within the public entity, suspected there might be a leak, “but not massively“.

In front of the entrance to the Faculty of Economics and Commerce, a group of candidates protested, shouting “mercenaries», “scoundrels” or “bastards”.

Soon after, some began to knock on the doors of the faculty to ask for explanations And? RTVE Provide proof of attendance to be able to request reimbursement for transport and accommodation tickets.




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