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HomeEntertainment NewsMarine Le Pen opts for a more political than legal defense

Marine Le Pen opts for a more political than legal defense

There are Christmas readings that are more conducive to disconnecting. This summer, at the family residence in La Trinité-sur-Mer (Morbihan), Le Pen Marion, known as “Marine”, has rediscovered her past as a lawyer; and studied the case that earned him up to ten years in prison, a fine of 1 million euros and a disqualification sentence of five to ten years that will likely hinder his presidential ambitions in 2027. It is a thick file and a slow fuse that threatens to blow. against the extreme right at a time when it sees power.

Marine Le Pen has seen progress for ten years the judicial investigation into parliamentary assistants of the National Front (FN, now National Rally, RN) in the European Parliament. The trial, which will begin on Monday, September 30, is scheduled until November 27 and will mainly focus on her. The leader of the far-right party is being tried along with twenty-four other people, as well as the National Front (currently the National Group), as a legal entity for “embezzlement of public funds”, “cover-up” of this crime or even “complicity”. They are all suspected of having participated in a system aimed at financing the FN’s expenses through the European Parliament, between 2004 and 2016, by hiring parliamentary assistants who actually worked for the party.

Also read: Article reserved for our subscribers. FN European Parliamentary Assistants: Prosecutor’s Office Demands Referral of Party, Marine Le Pen and Twenty-Six Other Defendants to Criminal Court

In its indictment filed on September 18, 2023, the Paris prosecutor’s office considered that the embezzlement of public funds allegedly committed by the National Front is the result of a “true centralized system”. The harm of this ” system “calculated for the period 2009-2017, it was estimated at 6.8 million euros by the European Parliament.

This file will have accompanied her throughout her life as president of the movement, from 2011 to 2021, through delaying maneuvers by the RN. And the irony is that the Lepenist heiress is today prevented from fully assuming her role as arbiter of the Government’s fate, while the process begins on the eve of the return to the National Assembly and the general political declaration of the Prime Minister, Michel Barnier.

“She looks at everything, everything, everything.”

“The schedule is terrible. But she thinks she has a lot of things to say and she thinks it’s her job to say them. » The man who utters these words, on the designer sofa of a bourgeois apartment, is the cornerstone of the RN’s defense. METROmy Alexandre Varaut imagined it, with Marine Le Pen, from the beginning; but when the trial came, the lawyer went off on a tangent. He asked Marine Le Pen for a place in an eligible position on the European list. At the end of this questioning pact, here is Varaut, a courteous man of right-wing Maurrasian lineage, who became Alexandre Varaut, MEP and spokesperson for the RN.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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